Glad to see your insanity hasn't changed Kotaku lol.
Glad to see your insanity hasn't changed Kotaku lol.
The tim tracker has been making some good videos about this
They need to bring back the Baja Chalupa. I know there is a secret menu way to sort of get one, but damn I miss being able to order that thing.
She said something thoughtless and stupid, but does that make her a racist?
Offence is never given, just taken.
It has been shown time and time again, the vocal minority boycotting these games for not being “woke enough” dont buy the games. So be honest, you were never going to buy the game.
Okay as someone who is actually gay, it’s going to take a *lot* more than an shampoo bottle to offend me. This is remarkably silly stuff going on. The level geometry thing miiight be a bit much, but honestly I’ve seen much worse stuff embedded by the developers into old Nintendo games. Crass humor isn’t by itself…
Thats ridiculous and completely falls apart with like 15 seconds of thought. This target of this joke wasn’t trans people. The target was himself, with the gag being that he’s poorly playing all of the roles in the skit. He’s pretending to be a woman, an old man, etc, but his disguises are so bad that you can tell all…
Yup, Captain Marvel has joined the list of Ghostbusters 2016 and The Last Jedi of movies that finding any criticism will get people shouting “misogyny” or declaring that you like them “well you’re just a SJW.”
The AV Club posting these kind of stories is the leading cause of smug. It is easy to find anything you want on twitter or in you tube comments, so when they need a story, it is always there to write. I think they are hungover from the long weekend so we get this.
Because CM is literally the worst movie to ever be made and Brie Larson is a SJW harridan who should be fired into the sun post-haste. /s
Why does the AV Club always insist on picking the lowest hanging fruit possible? “Here’s red meat for our progressive readers, chomp chomp.” Who is learning, here, and what?
Wow, "Man Releases Video on YouTube". What a fuckin article dude, really love these meaningful contributions!
I’m a girl, so all my life I have been told that my clothing sends messages to other people. If I wear a skirt that is a little too short or a shirt that shows a little too much cleavage, I am apparently communicating that I consent to being groped or worse.
I have to use Linux on my work computers and it’s trash. Half of our systems are Windows based, half Linux and they don’t like to work together well at all. The only reason why we use it is because our engineers love it, but they use it maybe 1/8th of the time they’re on the clock.
I wouldn’t give windows 10 any awards, and I wouldn’t expect anyone else to, either. It’s got a lot of crap it doesn’t need, but, at the end of the day, it’s serviceable. Once you get used to it, it just kind of fades into the background, only occasionally becoming a minor inconvenience, just like any other OS.
So, let me get my lightskint thoughts in order here. Barack is half black, and half white, yet is considered the first black president—and not one eyelash was batted. He chose to round up, as it were. As is his prerogative.
This article is so dumb. The country has really regressed in racial politics in the last five or more years. I thought anyone could play a role as long as they are a good actress/actor. We change race and gender of different roles all of the time it’s about putting the directors mark on the show or movie they are…
This is a pretty solid idea from MS. They’re never going to be on the same level as Nintendo and Sony from just a console hardware perspective because 1) their first party IPs are not nearly as strong and 2) they don’t have the support of the Japanese market. However, if they can continue to give gamers more and more…
Im sorry but this whole article just seems like it should be a parody of real life. This is literally the type of thing you would have seen in a goofy comedy movie in the 90's.