Josh Prentice

Meet the comedian the doesn’t understand comedy.

I love this it’s really nice.

The music , the cel shaded graphics and the game play was just fun. I loved racing against the clock to find every last spot to tag and charging at the police chief to knock him down and paint his back.

You have to understand that it’s against some people’s religious views. Christians for the most part believe that even though it is considered a sin it doesn’t matter because all of us are not without sin and will be judged by God so treat people regardless of sin the same way you would like to be treated. Other

Every article I read on this is an attack on James O’Keeffe’s character and an attack on anyone that might consider all of the evidence including the videos of people saying the things in question. To be honest I don’t see that the tapes are very heavily edited at all and all this and other articles are saying is do

This is insane of course parents got upset and I guarantee that the out rage was from more then just the white folk. What Next? MS-13 members for career day? School’s bringing ISIS in to teach culture sensitivity and woman’s rights? We needed to stop indoctrinating the youth with a victim mentally. The BLM movement

Well this is obviously for VR but hopefully they incorporate them into other things like last time and hey maybe I can finally knock the dust off my Kinect probably not though but that would be cool

I don’t know what you people are going on about. This guy is awesome and he is not afraid of real talk. I love watching his interviews he always tells it like it is. I hope BLM finally gets classified as a Domestic terrorist/Hate group and then ANTIFA right after that.

Can we all just step back a second and remember we are talking about a TV show and not only that a “REALITY” TV show litterly the lowest form of TV. 90% of reality TV shows contain very little if any reality.

It’s obvious to me that he just identifies as a shark. The Shark probably just died of natural causes under him.

I forgot about the Rich history of scientifically accurate cartoons.

You do know the ACA isn’t the only thing in the world that would cover issues like autism right? Also you do realize that the ACA caused more people to loose health coverage then it actually help people receive health coverage. The ACA created an incentive for hospitals​ to sue people that have had trouble paying

I know a certain group of websites​ that could learn a few things from this article. They are just the opposite JohTron they are Neo Liberal. They we’re recently purchased by Univision.

Giant Bomb will not be the same without drew that’s for sure but it will still always be the best website about videogames.

Now playing

Give it just a little longer and it will be Jello Biafra VS. Tipper Gore all over again. PC has gone way to far.

Good move UBER I would have done the same thing except maybe not publish a winey sounding note to appease the bleeding hearts.

People these days sure do love to witch hunt. Folks throw around words like homophobic and racist so casually these days that it’s beginning to loose all meaning.

Thanks for all the info guys I really appreciate it I will probably focus on Disneyworld this time around and come back next year and try universal I’m starting a low carb diet so hopefully I will be in a healthier shape by then.