This game looks amazing. Doug is a truly awesome dude.
This game looks amazing. Doug is a truly awesome dude.
Oh my gosh so did i lol
Phil Fish and his latest victim are combining Bomberman with Sonic. The twist? It's featuring Sony's new mascot, 'DildoSimon'
Capcom are combining Metroid with Rock Band. The twist? It's going to use DirectX13 lol
Love those games and would love to have an HD XBLA version
Onlive has been streaming full Games for years and some do have framerate issues but one they are not microsoft and don't have the money and power they can throw at it and secondly we're not even talking about streaming entire games here just parts of games maybe it will help with the draw distance or load up that…
1. I would think Once a Month would be just fine.
2. I think this is a hard question to answer i think maybe a time window might be the best way to deal with this so let's say a new game costs $30-$60 what about 3 months down the road when the game is less popular maybe charge a smaller fee or nothing at all?
So I have been thinking what if the Xbox One had a Cellular radio chip Built in like the Kindle that allowed just enough data to access the servers un update your console? And maybe they could even be like we have worked with At&t/Sprint/Verizon to have discounted data plans for anything more than just updating your…
LOL thats it ;)
The first thing that came to mind when i seen the thumbnail was FEZ
Calm down brother no need to call anyone's sense into question. You should really check out some of the things that Ed Schultz is saying on the radio he has been as of late saying some pretty crazy stuff i have heard Rush and he talks out of his ass too but i'm telling you check into this Ed Schultz Radio Show i…
For all of the people that say they don't watch Fox news you should give one show a chance it's called the Red Eye and it's a great show very witty and i would have to say very politically balanced. It comes on super early in the morning but you're missing out if you don't watch it.…
You should check out the MSNBC equivalent I would almost say it's worse just because of the Ed Schultz radio show
So do you think they see us over here? nah
Remember all of those fun little platformers Microsoft published on the first Xbox? None of them were perfect but none of them were terrible either. I would love to see microsoft start putting out more games like they used too. Like Blinx: The Time sweeper, Stubbs the zombie, or VooDoo Vince. They were fun and silly…
It's really too bad that kameo didn't last i want more 3D platformers! :)
I have never liked the Playstation Controller but if it turns out to not have the same issues i might just have to get used to it and it's a real shame because some of the features one the Xbox One look really neat and i remember a time when Xbox was experimental and tried crazy new innovations but never at the cost…
Nope lol…
He's right i never knew about this but it is interesting. I wonder why they ditched the concave. I dont think microsoft is steeling the idea because they have have concave sticks since the original xbox and the sony controller was only around for a few monthes befor it was canned but it is still interesting. http://en.…