
Yeah, Tyrell seems the most likely. Given his sociopathic desire to be on top, what better way to realise his dreams than co-opt a revolution? Mr Robot said he reached a deal with him, Tyrell said that he and his wife should have been looking to God – which was inspired after seeing the power the hack could have – and

No mention of the dialogue? The show seems like a fairly solid premise but the writing comes across as the witterings of a 16-year-old student. 'Maybe she was shot in the fifth dimension?' Pretty much every character just announces their back story as soon as they meet someone: 'Hi I'm Kid with Gunshot Wound: my dad

Suppressing fire?

They shouldn't have resolved it at all. Attempted to wrap it all up with a neat bow so they could start a completely new arc next season was weak as hell. It meant they inevitably resorted to total deus ex machina style plot devices, such as a guy whose word gets an entire criminal organization locked away.

Yup. That was lazy ass writing; pull one strand and the whole criminal organization collapses. It ignores the fact that, without an extensive investigation, there's no way the FBI would arrest scores of the city's most important people. Surely Murdock should know something about legal process as a trained lawyer? Just

I made the mistake of watching this directly after rewatching The Wire. An entire criminal organization is instantly brought down by the FBI off of a statement from one low-level soldier? Not a chance. Just completely disappeared into utter fantasy at that point and picked up on a worrying trend from earlier in the

I have waited my whole life to say this: I am commandeering this airboat!