
I totally get this mentality (and I may be at times guilty of being an overly enthusiastic fan), but I think it might come from the real threat of the thing we love getting taken away?

ALSO i feel bad just now getting involved with these comments. I love this show so so much but for whatever reason chose to stay away.

ALSO i feel bad just now getting involved with these comments. I love this show so so much but for whatever reason chose to stay away.

Well, I obviously love Futurama, but I maybe have to give it to Community just due to the fact that its live-action. I watched with a friend who loves Community as much as I do and we were constantly "what?!"-ing the whole time. It was great

Well, I obviously love Futurama, but I maybe have to give it to Community just due to the fact that its live-action. I watched with a friend who loves Community as much as I do and we were constantly "what?!"-ing the whole time. It was great

Good god that video game episode. I loved it but, like, THAT WAS ON NATIONAL TV

Good god that video game episode. I loved it but, like, THAT WAS ON NATIONAL TV

All I really remember is the ending scene scaring me shitless.

I don't think cancellation is THAT bad, but rather not getting any emotional payoff before it leaves. I still feel awful about how Pushing Daises went

I just got access to HBO and am gonna start gunning through loads of shows I assume y'all were done with ages ago. I watched my first episodes of Summer Heights High and Game of Thrones and liked them a lot! Good job, those shows!

"the way (to some) the inherent authenticity of being young and black papers over the social crimes of Odd Future"

Shhhhhhhhhh, I'm trying to behave myself.

I have a soft spot for 3, due to it really starting to dig into the world Hammer and Publick created and it's when I really started getting into the show. 4 is objectively better and funnier though.

The Venture Brothers has some of the most consistent and wonderful storytelling/world building on tv. The 3rd season is my fav and I cant wait for it to come back.

So is this article subtly referencing the whole Mass Effect 3 ending fiasco or?

I finally got caught up on the 3rd season of Community HOW TOPICAL!!!

Zelda stories are great because they're very understated and lack a lot of exposition. Same with Metroid.

Solution: bring back the horse, but it talks. 2 Broke Girls becomes the spiritual successor to every sitcom.

God, everything I hear from Mindy Kaling makes me dislike her more and more. Can we stop the delusion that she's interesting PLEASE

"What it boils down to, to these ears, is that Los Campesinos! are probably the first big UK indie band to have grown up not with the NME, Melody Maker, or even the fucking Fly. They sound like the first UK indie band who have grown up reading Pitchfork."