Yeah, again, whatever, just bring back the fuckin’ Bugs Bunny cartoons.
Yeah, again, whatever, just bring back the fuckin’ Bugs Bunny cartoons.
I need to know which of the residents of Arlen, Texas are now deceased anti-vaxxers.
Kind of a shame they don’t keep it around for another two years and then just suddenly stop airing it without any sort of finale or explanation in April 2024
Shades of the Damien Darkh season of Arrow, where Oliver had something like 3 or 4 pointless skirmishes with his invulnerable opponent in a dozen episodes, got his ass handed to him every time, and never came up with a plan other than “We have to find him, and stop him!” until somebody finally suggests taking away the…
“Barry it looks like there’s an alien who can drive people insane”
What a career to go back to Eva Le Gallienne. I’d forgotten that her final role was on St. Elsewhere, in an episode about three women sharing a hospital room (that also had a wonderful performance from Blythe Danner).
It’s crazy we live in a world where comparatively, a comic book villain may be less evil than the actual living President of the US.
I still can’t believe the ego it takes to run in an election with no plan, no ideas, no reason except to sate their own ego.
I want to see a Rashomon take where all the stories are exactly the same, and during the third one they just stop and say, “Well, I guess that’s what happened then.”
I maintain that this is incredibly dumb, and doubly dumb for Carl, who was adopted and grew up in Iceland.
She is perfect for this. She is so, so perfect for this.
But where will this show go when the Dust streaming service, dissipating to the virtual winds like so much...well, you get the idea.
Every time I see a photo of Cleavon Little, I get sad all over again. He died just too damn soon.
To me this seems like the right way to do MST3K in 2020. Like a rock band that was really famous 35 years ago playing their big hits at a county fair. Like Loverboy.
Well, Kanye’s version had only one question: What is your name?
Hold up, 1967 Casino Royale? Better catch that.
Do it anyways.
Light a candle for Scarecrow Video in Seattle and Movie Madness in Portland. These places are their own kind of cultural treasure. Hope they survive in some form.