
The fact that it’s happened a lot of times before doesn’t mean that it shouldn’t be punished. This woman endangered people out of sheer stupidity and she should be held accountable for that.

There is on other solution: be me. I don’t know what it is, but I haven’t been bitten by a mosquito since the 90s. They bite my friends, they bite my family, they bite my dog... they never so much as land on me.

Man, I’m basically a pure blooded Celt. I am genetically adapted to moderate climates that rain a little bit too much for most people. Vancouver expected to hit the sensation of 43 degrees by Friday if you count humidity. I am not prepared for it. We’re getting our roof fixed at work so our AC isn’t fucking working. I

Have dash cams and body cams really helped in these situations? It seems like they’re always getting turned off, or the footage is never released, or there’s only partial footage that shows nothing. Until a body cam is on every single officer on every single police force in the US and control over whether or not the

I didn’t even know this existed.

For whatever reason I have always viewed Velma as Latina, so I am not and have never been opposed to her being a race other than white. My disappointment here is that they put it in the hands of Mindy Kaling who is not funny or anything remotely resembling clever and is damn near the last person who should have helmed

Imagine working in the paint industry... certain raw materials were already starting to slip below the level needed to meet demand before Texas exploded in a fury of ice and mismanagement. Now the plants that produce what we need are all fucked and so actually getting the goods we need is becoming harder and harder.

The weirdest part of this to me is that sex isn’t allowed, but some of the most blatant antisemitism I’ve ever seen is. They’ve got no problem with multiple characters being portrayed as massive Jewish stereotypes.

See, that’s where you’re making a mistake. “Common” sense does not mean that it is a commonly held sense of what is right and logical. “Common” sense means it’s supposed to be plain and obvious, common as in ordinary.

That does sound like a bug actually, because there are two Salarians you can talk to on Virmire. There’s one in a set of cells down below that is the control subject and will not attack you and one up above that is indoctrinated and will attack you. You can talk to both and let the sane one go free to escape and do

Short hair looks good on her. Glad to see she’s recovering.

This seems like another one of those “good idea in theory, terrible idea in practice” concepts. What happens when someone is moving and this trips them? The cord looks pretty thin, would it even really work on someone in motion? If it does then what happens? They fall, crack their skull open, and bleed out on the

You can hear him snark “Congratulations, good job.” as he gives the thumbs up, so you can bet he’s probably being as aggressive as his henpecked ass is able to muster. It’s not passive aggressive, it’s pathetic aggressive.

Quick, someone remind them how America sat on its hands for much of world war one and a decent chunk of world war two as the nations it was supposed to be allies with bled and died by the millions.

That’s the one thing you can rely on 100% of the time: eventually we lose interest. It doesn’t matter if it’s the most important social matter of our times, and the fight against all forms of racism most certainly is the most important social matter of our time, apathy is the enemy of all things. Apathy is a

I love that the drummer sings, that’s a rare thing in music these days. Doubly so when a lot of what we hear these days is the musical equivalent to a TV dinner. This warms my jaded old punk rock heart.

I don’t think you can really call it a cult so much as a draconian interpretation of Catholicism. Like extremely draconian, as in “We thought this shit was wrong a few centuries ago.” draconian. Mother Teresa is certainly a divisive figure, if her depiction by much of society is to be believe she was an angel amongst

Not to sound contrary, but if people talk less about Elvis it’s because it’s been 44 years since he died and about 50 since he was truly relevant. It has little to do with people being schooled about his appropriation.

So what you’re saying is... we need to eat the rich.

It is difficult since the last Muppet movie absolutely flopped and Disney is still finding its sea legs when it comes to TV. The Muppets are a hard property to get right in 2021 and unless you’ve got someone like Jason Segel kicking around to guide the production and write the sketches you’re more likely than not