
Yeah, and marital rape was considered OK in the past but that didn’t make it right. Congratulations, you just justified racism.

The things we’ve done to our aboriginal population up here are genuinely terrifying and they’re a hell of a lot closer to the modern day than we’d like to admit. Say what you will about what America does to its various non-white ethnic groups, Canada literally tried to wipe our First Nations communities out by

Here’s a better idea... leave the heavy cream out entirely and just do three cups of whole milk. Ain’t a goddamned thing in the world that justifies drinking anything that has a cup of heavy cream in it even if you’re splitting it across three people. That’s basically drinking a third of a cup of butter.

I didn’t even get 48 hours, in all truth I didn’t even get six hours. I got up at 6 AM, checked my feed, and spoilers for said Mark Hamill related post was already on it.

How could you fuck this up? It shouldn’t be possible. The Canadian government’s response was to put in offers for over twice the amount we needed, and then offer to donate the excess if we so happen to actually get more than we actually need. The Trump presidency can’t even do the bare minimum and not fuck it up.

“Growing pains”, she makes it sound like he’s a guy in his early 20s just growing out of childish immaturity. He’s a 43 year old man with a history of drug, weapon, and alcohol related charges that wound up with him serving a few months in prison only five years ago. Just say what’s probably actually happening... He

It’s less “natural” food dye and more powdered food dye. You don’t want to mess too much with the composition of a batch of macarons, even a few grams too much almond flour can ruin a batch, adding the wrong kind of food coloring can ruin a batch. Powders are often used to color macarons in an industrial setting since

Ain’t a goddamn thing artisanal about macarons made by a machine. 

What, you have a problem with a new game having a price tag that reflects that fact?

Usually I make ice cream. It’s not time consuming but ice cream is my favorite thing on the planet and making a batch calms me right down every single time.

It makes sense that Miles feels weaker as he is weaker than Peter in the comics. Peter is a class 20 superhuman, Miles is a class 10, which is to say Peter’s upper limits are roughly double that of Miles’ in terms of strength, speed, and durability. Miles’ other powers make up for that difference.

Only an idiot buys a console at launch.

I drive by a food bank on my way to work every morning, it’s basically a block away from my workplace. Every day when I drive by at around 8:50 there’s a line up on the sidewalk, which means there’s a line up in the parking lot. At any given time from about 9-4 there is a fairly consistent line up of about 40-50

Richest how? A lot of its resources are tied up, borrowed, on loan, imaginary, or not something that can be converted into currency for foodstuffs. The US is a shit ton poorer than Americans seem to think it is.

It amazes me that the US gets away with this shit every election. I imagine it’s similar for our first nations population up here in Canada, well those who integrated into society at least. But the very idea of people of color feeling nervous or intimidated is shocking to me.Such tactics should be illegal... they

Peanuts. Try $5,850,000 a day, retroactive, for every game that violates the law. 

Some, and Harley hasn’t taken a lead in it. Pre-BoP she’d have been the primary focus of everything.

This might be Margot Robbie’s way out of playing Harley if she wants out, though I haven’t heard anything indicating she does. With Birds of Prey failing to meet expectations it’s unlikely she’ll get an opportunity to headline a movie again, and she hasn’t been a focus of the marketing for the second Suicide Squad as

It’s a shame they went hollywood with this thing because Nolan would have made a great Sully.

We’re still dealing with this shit at work. Between a covid-19 outbreak at the only plant on the continent that makes metal paint cans, to the shortage of the raw materials needed to make the cans, I’ve had to put up with whiny painters getting all “But... but muh cut cans! Muh cut cans!!!” since June. The things like