
Can it make Arby’s? Because that’d be amazing. Eat a bunch of healthy food, lick it, the taste of Arby’s fills my mouth... Yum.

This is getting worrisome.

It only fit the series better tonally because that’s what the first anime built to and you’re letting that color your judgment of it. Brotherhood is objectively superior to the original FMA anime in every single way.l

By having a lot of free time and parents that wouldn’t buy us every new game. The Lion King isn’t even that hard.

Filoni should have been given the reins of the sequel trilogy. He understands what Star Wars is and should be. I recently subbed to Disney+ and Rebels caught my attention immediately. I was hooked from the first episode, which is rare for me, typically it takes at least a few to build my interest. Clone Wars failed to

Oh fuck off. People change over time, he’s matured as a person, which is more than can be said about you.

Oh, he had no idea it was private property... Except he was using the actual property of a corporation instead of just being on it. Buuullshit. Toss the book at him.

Make the pasta sauce yourself. What feels like a large investment now will pay in dividends when that $20 pot you made can do four to five meals. That’s part of what will do you some good in this current state of affairs. Two cans of tomatoes, a tube or can of tomato paste, herbs and spices you probably already have

That seems pretty standard. Ultimately he’s a guy who was just doing his job, how could he possibly know that moogles would be as iconic as they have now become?

What about average sized penises? Are those just the lazy do nothing penises?

Completely understandable. I still have the gap between Stormblood and Shadow Bringers to finish up, so I can go with at least a few more months of no updates personally. Patience is certainly a virtue these days.

And difficult to pull off. The Switch controller sets do not have the two stage analog triggers that the Gamecube controller does.

It looks amazing, but ultimately you can tell it’s not real without too much trouble. The smaller plants are all identical, the mud on the path looks like rubber, the three bark doesn’t look like it has enough texture, and the fog on the hill in the distance doesn’t fade out in a natural way. It’s amazing and we are

Lame. I was hoping it would be Gestalt as the story really only works if Nier is Yonah’s father.

You phrased that like the fact that it’s not a great game means it’s a bad game. Wario World is fun.

There isn’t a single person on this acid washed mudball who is built for it.

It’s Triple Zero. Run. Run now, before he summons BT-1 to assist.

Berrrt berrt Nartee Dawg is best dev in gamz.

Wait. Wait. Hold the fuck up. Did they just look down on Meghan Murkle for filming a TV show in Canada?

At this point America deserves to fail. Congratulations on reelecting Trump, or in a slightly different case reelecting bargain bin “Democrat” Trump in Biden.