
Vaguely annoyed that Alucard is still going to be the “star” of the show. His primary story should have been finished up when Dracula was defeated. They really need to shift him into more of a supporting role for the probably darkly romantic adventures of Trevor and Sypha.

And it’s probably going to flop. Platinum so far has only survived because of Nintendo, Sega, and Square-Enix’s involvement in their development efforts. Platinum makes a particular kind of game that just isn’t appealing to a mass market unless they have the support and direction of a mass market entity. The infusion

Makes sense. Spidey is supposed to be the pinnacle of generic hot white guy. The kind of guy who would be average looking with a very nice face if it wasn’t for the fact that he is absolutely jacked as fuck.

Her shtick is being edgy? I thought her shtick was just being an awful person, with overt misogynist attitudes disguised with a thin veneer of make believe feminism.

And lo did the awful precedent we set by letting publishers fix their microtransaction store fronts disguised as broken shit heap video games and then lapping up the results continue to fuck us all over. I hope this fails just like main Anthem failed even if it kills BioWare. This shit has to end.

Chrono Trigger without a doubt. Best game ever made.

This is the Smallville version of the costume.

Yeaaah, the time travel is legitimately what screwed up the storyline. The  worst part is most of the time travel was used to undo plot holes... created by the addition of time travel.

This reads like someone it was written by someone who forgot how to have fun and is really bitter that he’s not 12 years old anymore.

Makes me wonder if they’ll take the opportunity to undo a shipping decision that caused ratings of the original series to nose dive.

For such a smart man Elon Musk is incredibly stupid. “Come to Mars for all of your money, where you’ll never be able to go outside, you’ll be completely subservient to Earth because Mars won’t be able to produce food, rue the day you didn’t sign up with Bill Gates and his plan to send people to live on extremely

And lo does the misunderstanding of Bernie actually said continues. He didn’t say a woman couldn’t be president, or that a woman couldn’t win the election, what he said is a woman might not be able to win an election for the presidency due to how messed up the USA currently is. He was decrying misogyny, no the other

My current TV works well enough, but it’s 13 years old at this point. So at some point in the not so distant future I should probably be buying a new TV. Which is hard in this day and age as this shit has way too many features and every year or two there’s a “This is the newest and most amazing and irreplaceable

That sound terrible.

The twist of her being Palpatine’s kid was stupid to begin with. It wasn’t much of a twist, it was plainly obvious and unimaginative. Shit, I made a joke about it to my dad as I walked out of the theater after seeing The Force Awakens on release day. It would have been far better for her to have been an actual

Rey is most definitely not the same age as Ben. Ben Solo was born in 5 ABY, Rey was born in 15 ABY. Ten year age difference.

It’s true. We men have a lot of unfair advantages in life, and where it’s most obvious is our lazy clothes. Sweat pants are comfy as fuck.

It’s true. We men have a lot of unfair advantages in life, and where it’s most obvious is our lazy clothes. Sweat

Butter is great and all, but what if you slice up your butter like you would cheese and just eat that as a sandwich. My boss does this and it terrifies me.

On the one hand media entering public domain is great. On the other hand the idea of a company or person losing control of a piece of media that they created is absolutely ridiculous. No intellectual property should ever fall into the public domain if it’s actively being used or the company that originally created it

That’s the reality of the situation. The benefits of Amazon outweigh the negatives to most people. Until those negatives outweigh the positives there will be no change.