
You missed a solid action game wrapped in an extremely convoluted story, with a bunch of silly meme endings.

Of course Warren is leading the pack on calling for impeachment, because she’s the only one stupid enough to call for impeachment at this juncture. She’s putting the cart in front of the horse, and looks like an absolute dipshit because of it.

Sasha is alleged to want out of her contract. Alleged. There’s been no indication aside from her allegedly throwing a tantrum that she lost the tag titles. She’s been separated from Bayley and she’s the second biggest solo face on Raw and the biggest solo female face exclusive to the Raw roster. Odds are she’ll start

That’s Nintendo in a nutshell.

Never in my life have I ever encountered a server deserving of a 20% tip.

My only stumbling block would be the 10 K run. I work a fairly physical job and I just don’t have the time or energy to run 10 kilometers before or after work.

I have no doubt that cats understand the concept of a name. Every cat I’ve ever owned as responded to its name. Either via a disinterested “Oh my god, fuck off with calling my name.” glare, or by coming over and getting attention. Cats know what names are, they just may or may not care.

Yup. I was excited for Scott and Logan coming back to life and rebooting the X-Men... Until they were all “This is the last X-Men story... it’s the exact same as every X-Men story.” and I immediately lost interest.

If the DSi and New 3DS XL are any example, then y’all are blowing this out of proportion. Nintendo isn’t going to alienate over 32,000,000 Switch owners with new models. If a more powerful model does release, it won’t somehow kill the original model. It’ll get a few exclusives and that’ll be it.

The most horrifying part of it to me is when he was called in to identify the brothers he allegedly hired. How would he reacted if it had been a pair of white men? Or Asians? Indians? Aboriginal Americans? Or other black men? Would have sat back and let them get charged, or would he have stepped up and said that they

Well, you should try realizing that Monica Rambeau was a terrible Captain Marvel and the role is better off being given to someone who is a part of the original Captain Marvel’s legacy instead of someone who has jack and squat to do with the character. Monica is a great character, she’s just not Captain Marvel and it

If you managed it alone you wouldn’t be making any money, CyberAgent, as you wouldn’t have had Nintendo’s marketing machine behind it and it would be just another generic game in a sea of generic mobile titles.

Things must be different back east, as on the West coast there aren’t a whole hell of a lot of A&Ws and I’ve never seen a busy one before.

Fire/Fairy to play off the Japanese myth about bunnies on the moon.

Oh gee, DLC. Why am I not surprised? KH3 is a half baked mess of a game. With the exception of the KH: Coded, it has the fewest features of any KH. So we’re going to pay for them to actually complete the game, I wonder if they’ll add the fucking Olympus Colosseum tournaments?

Wait, do white people actually want to touch the hair of black people? What? Uhhh... forgive me alabaster frame of existence, but that is royally fucked up. Your hair is a part of your body, why would anyone actually ask to touch the hair of another human being they just met or are in any kind of customer service

Considering the stories I’ve heard about squatters in the America, I am very surprised things seemingly wrapped up so easily.

It’s practically Peter’s modus operandi in the comics and has been for decades. Yes, he’s sometimes an Avenger, yes he participates as a key figure in most of the major world saving crossover events, but ultimately Peter Parker prefers to focus on the little people. Peter isn’t about saving the world, he’s not about

Monica Rambeau as Captain Marvel never made any sense, so don’t bring race into this. Carol Danvers was an important part of Captain Marvel’s legacy and life, so giving her the mantle made infinitely more sense than just randomly sticking it onto Monica. She should have become Captain Marvel the begin with instead of

I get where they’re coming from and I completely agree, but I do miss the design scheme of the Ms Marvel suit. The black with the yellow bolt and the red sash was more visually appealing to me than the red, blue and yellow. I wish they’d have adapted that look into her modern costume in the comics instead of just