
I didn’t know what a Sussex Spaniel was this time yesterday. Now I want one after watching Bean parade around. He’s a chunk of a dog, Orian wants a chunk.

I swear, Meghan McCain is looking more and more like a giant thumb every time I see a picture of her.

Gretta Van Fleet won rock album of the year? What?

Wait a second. Hold the damn phone. Tipping is 20% now? What the fuck happened to tipping being 12%? I swear to god that was the norm a few years ago, 15% if you were feeling generous. There is no goddamn way that any service at any restaurant is worth an extra 20% of your bill. It’s not even worth 15%, or even 12%.

What the hell ever happened to the third Baldur’s Gate that Beamdog promised?

Urban is a year older than Affleck, he’s too old to play a young Batman. Especially if they intend to make minimum a trilogy out of him. He’d be in his mid 50s by the time they wrapped things up.

EA certification and testing processes typically mean that the any demos released are between six and eight weeks out of date, so there’s no way in hell you were playing a complete game and it was highly, highly likely that the final product will at least be somewhat more functional than this networking test demo.

Frieza not as dangerous as Cell? What? Frieza is multiple times stronger than Cell. Frieza could literally one punch Cell.

You would be surprised. There’s still this weird, fucked up contingent of women who defend him. It’s not quite to the degree of R Kelly’s cult like following, but they leap to the defense of this asshole quite vehemently.

Only things I get from Trader Joe’s are the movie style popcorn and the peanut butter filled pretzels. Yum.

I play games to get away from the senseless brutality of real life. This would be... too real for my tastes.

This is how we lose the rain forests.

For all of his brilliance, Elon Musk is a goddamn moron. For one thing Mars is, essentially, barren. No easily obtained liquid water, no abundant food sources that wouldn’t be at risk literally all of the time. You can’t go outside without protection, there’s no air, the lower gravity will wreak havoc on your body and

I don’t see the point of this. It’s not going to be anywhere near as good as the original animated movie.

I don’t think I’ll ever understand people who think blackface isn’t a problem. A coworker of mine told a story about a friend going as a particular black basketball player to a Halloween party. No one noticed he was in black face until someone turned up the lights and he then proceeded to win the costume contest

Yeaaaah, I’m not going to claim to be some enlightened person, as I definitely have my own hang ups. What person, regardless of skin color, doesn’t have them? Buuut I had to stand there and listen to my boss use the N word jokingly, then express just how uncomfortable I was with it and then listen to another coworker

WWE is and always will be a business. They’re progressive when it benefits them and regressive when it benefits them. The “women’s revolution” is just a marketing ploy, their acceptance of LGBT+ ideals is a marketing ploy, their acceptance of all ethnicity and removal of offensive gimmicks is a marketing ploy, even

And this will be how the Republican wins. She let him grab the mic, she let him walk all over her. The Republican base will eat this up.

The “documentary” has a very strong bias to it and treats a lot of aspects that are extremely typical of a court case as if they were somehow out of the ordinary. Avery is guilty.

I had a feeling it was a woman just looking at the headline image before even reading any of the article. It looks good, incredible, but the rounder shape of her face and her facial features are just slightly too feminine for this to work. Sephiroth may be effeminate, but he’s still very masculine in features.