
Nintendo has to protect their IP, it’s their prerogative. However I have a feeling they would have left well enough alone if he hadn’t done two things. First, it’s the patreon, he was using it to pull in donations for this Mario 64 Online project and that isn’t allowed in the rules of Patreon. Second, when it was

So, not to insult your intelligence, but you completely missed the subtext of the first line you pick apart. The character is quite obviously implying that Aerith and Cloud should rent a room to go upstairs and have sex. The only difference is we don’t really have love hotels in the west like they do in Japan. You

I feel like that wouldn’t be even remotely what would happen in that situation, as we’ve seen Archer chug more hard liquor than that and not even be buzzed.

A Kingsman? I believe you mean Osward Cobblepot.

For some reason I get the feeling it’s only so long until they announce Final Fantasy XV-2.

Now now, don’t single it out to just black girl time. Kylie Jenner should shut up when it’s every kind of person time. White men? Shut the fuck up. I don’t care if you’re white, black, asian, latino, hispanic, gay, lesbian, transgender, asexual, bisexual, pink, purple, prismatic or anything in between, you don’t

Yaaaay, mediocrity.

I was raised with tipping and it is among the shittiest practices possible in business. It allows the business to pay employees at a much lower rate than they deserve, in some cases far below minimum wage, and forces the customer to pay their wage. It’s not my job to pay a waitress’ wage, or someone carting my luggage

Well of course not, but one thing it is good for? Catching flies. Do you have a poorly draining sink? Do you have drain flies you can’t seem to get rid of because of how poorly your sink drains? Put some apple cider vinegar in a little container, drop a little dish soap in it, cover it with saran wrap with some holes

Tipping is an incredibly shitty practice and a way to keep costs down. It’s not something that happens outside of North America. Expecting businesses to pay their employees a livable wage does not make me “trashy”. Furthermore the cleaning staff are not service staff, they shouldn’t have to be tipped even if you

Dirt? You’re eating dirt? Well ain’t you fancy.

Nothing. You tip them nothing. Cleaning hotel rooms is their job, they are not directly providing you a service and it is not your job to pay them. Slap a “no housekeeping” sign on your door and look after yourselves.

Neat. It’s a shame Second Son is awful.

Is this guy going to hell? Yeah, I’d say he’s going to hell.

Wait, America Chavez beats up Ultimate Captain America? That doesn’t make any sense. Ultimate Cap has superhuman strength and a hell of a lot more fighting experience than America does. He’d beat her within an inch of her life without breaking stride.


Sooooo, pulling off an orange Starfire wouldn’t be some massively expensive undertaking. Especially since they’re unlikely to go with her stripperesque costumes. I don’t know how you could possibly claim that simple orange body paint and some minor visual effects would be out of their price range when garbage tier

It’s not very often that it’s accurate when people claim something looks like a game from a generation or two ago. But this legitimately looks like a tail end PS2/Xbox/Gamecube or very early PS3/360 game with slightly shinier effects.

As someone who has a somewhat healthy relationship with a mother who is, in all honesty, is very difficult to like as a person, let alone love, I can say that it’s good you’re somewhat aware of the fact that you don’t have to put your relationship with her up on a pedestal. Too many people fail to realize that you

The fact that this even has to be said is a depressing indictment on society.