
Soooo, does this mean the teased DLC is being passed off to BioWare Austin? Or is the crew left on Andromeda enough to build it?

You can’t date Yusuke because you’re playing a straight kid.

So, pay $40 a month... for less than you would normally get for $40 a month? It being on demand is great and all, and it’s cool that they have such a wide selection of channels, but even my Candian cable is better for less.

If the 1610 universe somehow survived I would love to see Ultimate Kitty Pryde and Jessica Drew somehow crossover into the 616.

Don’t kid yourself. Most publishers would charge for content like this. Hell, most of them already do.

Is that it? Is it done? Can we finally stop paying attention to this woman?

I want this.

You kind of deserve to fail when you put something on a big family get together weekend.

Vegemite will do in a pinch and many major grocery store chains carry it. The primary difference between Marmite and Vegemite is that Vegemite was created by the Aussies when the first world war disrupted trade and left them unable to get Marmite.

So, they’re expecting me to subscribe to another digital streaming service? Just to watch Young Justice? No. Uhuh. Not happening.

No, Zelda fan looks at what Nintendo did and makes something based off of it. They don’t turn the prototype into a real thing.

Don’t kid yourself, it’s a fad.

I’ve read two of the Foundation books, but I couldn’t bring myself to read any further when I learned that Asimov never finished it. As much as I loathe series having endings, primarily because I can’t find a sci-fi or fantasy series with a good ending for the life of me, I refuse to read a book that’s a part of a

So, he kills himself after tagging his forehead with a verse from a religious text that explicitly bans suicide. Wow.

People tell me “Oh, you’ll change your mind when you meet the right woman.” in regards to my disinterest in procreating. When the idea of speaking to a human being under the age of about 12 makes you want to vomit, I don’t think “meeting the right girl” is going to fix the problem. If I had a kid I would probably

Alright. That’s it. He’s officially gone too far. Palmer Luckey has blasphemed against Chrono Trigger. He must die.

Burnt umber.

Really? Megan Fox’s face? Am I the only guy on the planet who finds her complete and total lack of expression completely off putting? At any given time her facial expressions all look robotic and empty.

She’s a strong character who just so happens to be fan service, and at times it’s uncomfortable. Just look at her combat pose. Of the other two primary female characters you have one who adopts a traditional martial arts fighting stance or a boxing stance, and another who assumes a fairly simple ready stance. Then you

So, they’re supposed to be people of color, but aside from the obviously intentionally white Barret and Sephiroth, Tifa and Cloud just looklook like tan white people with frizzy hair.