
Shepard was a soldier with the rank of Lieutenant Commander at the age of 27 when Mass Effect starts. Which mean s/he was a ranking officer with nearly a decade of military experience with specialized N7 training. Shepard was basically a very experienced officer with command experience and specialized military

It’s currently scheduled to be out by the end of the 2016 fiscal year, which means it should be out by mid March... yet we still haven’t seen any real gameplay.

He probably didn’t watch it at all.

Except updatable and wireless.

Rise of the Tomb Raider was Lara escaping from her father’s shadow. By the end of it she was no longer ashamed and saddened by the legacy of her father and she was an unstoppable bad ass.

Part of me thinks they did this on purpose.

So, is it free just for the weekend, or is it free permanently?

I haven’t really followed this, but how many of the cast members of FFIX appear? Ninth Final Fantasy is best Final Fantasy.

It’s not meant to be a replacement for the 3DS. I would expect true handhelds to still have a place with Nintendo, they’re not going to kill that golden goose for an experiment like the Switch.

Oh, that is a load of absolute horse shit. The fact that a developer doesn’t have to tell you don’t mean the vast majority don’t.

“Obsession” They’ve done it to any large effect all of one time.

Go fuck yourself, WHO. ;_;

I want one. Now I’m sad. Damn you, Pokemon, for giving me the emotions.

Killed it? She looks like she’s wearing a trash bag someone doused in platinum colored spray paint.

Shit, I know a few people who work for the company. Hopefully someone kept the IPs under company management so they can be possibly be revived by key figures and a new team.

While I do agree with the proper stunt bit for mocap work and all that, most of this list is absolute horse shit and that’s coming from someone who would drop everything in a second if he thought he could actually make a living as a voice actor.

This is why you need to get rid of the second party system. It’s made it so your only viable alternatives are completely unviable. In this election Americans are stuck between a rock and a larger rock that’s racist, homophobic, sexist, quite possibly has ADHD, has no idea what being president is about, is extremely

Why is this even an issue? You know how long I considered Will being gay? I didn’t. At all. I didn’t consider it before, during or after the bullying scene, as it’s not what the show is about. It’s not part of the show, it’s not relevant to the show, it’s not even relevant to the characters. Especially in the case of

Thank God for Him.

I love dunkey, he’s one of the few youtubers that gets a genuine laugh out of me in virtually every video he puts out.