
Say what you will, the image is accurate to the search word.

So long as the final product is high quality, it doesn’t matter if it’s delayed by a few months.

I love that one that claims Valve overstepped the mark. Steam is Valve’s service, they can step wherever the fuck they want.

That’s one thing they need to get right for Spider-Man: Homecoming. It’s been decades and the Spider-Man cartoon theme is still an icon, and the 90s Marvel cartoons are known for their themes as well. Even the more modern Spectacular Spider-Man had a theme that caught the attention of viewers who either hated it

Sega has canceled plenty of fan games in its day, this is awfully hypocrtical.

Glad they made the distinction between the two fairly meaningless. My TV is the better part of a decade old, I can’t afford to buy a new one and even if I could I won’t be upgrading to 4K until it’s affordable. Therefore I have zero reason to buy a PS4 Pro.

Of course it’s over analysis, that’s what Gamexplain does. They can literally take 30 seconds of footage and make a 10-30 minute video on it. A couple years ago they were loved by Nintendo fans for their dogged coverage of Nintendo content, but after a while their ridiculous theories erased the majority of that love.

I haven’t played TT’s GoT, primarily because I have no interest in GoT, however the first episode doesn’t make it seem pointless. It’s very much an elseworlds take on Batman, so it isn’t hung up on making things fit into preexisting continuity.

Well no shit it gets them wrong, it’s a video game series set only 13 years in the future with cyborgs, genetic engineering and Detroit.

Chrono Trigger and it’s not up for debate.

See, this is why I play games like this without thinking too hard. If I play like a bit of a dumb ass I’ll find the game more enjoyable because I’m either making stupid mistakes or I’m not noticing how easy things are because I’m just not thinking about it.

What I’m interested in is what happens to Mary Jane. They made such a big fucking deal about Bendis sinking his character destroying claws into her when it was announced he would be ruining her character as Iron Man’s girl friday even though she had just left Peter Parker’s life because of his superhero drama. Now

That’s a loss of my resub. PSN is the least reliable console network and the “free” games aren’t worth it.

I can’t bring myself to watch them. Primarily because they should have finished the Ultimate Despair storyline with a game and the fact that it’s being done in anime kinda pisses me off. Second, because I know something bad is bound to happen to a particular character from Danganronpa 2 and I don’t want to have to go

The expectations were not that Federation Force would be bad, it’s just not what anyone really wanted as a Metroid game. The mass down voting was about sending the message that we want another Metroid Prime, or a Super Metroid, not a casual aimed multiplayer shooter with the typical limited Nintendo communication set

It honestly does seem like every monster they find is either some kind of cock monster or a regular animal with a strange head which is often a phallic object.

That’s actually a regular occurrence. Batman gets his ass kicked two or three times a story arc. He always overcomes, of course, but Batman encountering a scenario he can’t win against for a variety of reasons happens on a regular basis.

Of course she’s going to say it’s not in trouble. Whether it is a mess or it’s not, she’ll say it isn’t.

Hard to reconcile a relationship that was never there.

Really? Because last I checked it hadn’t as Kitty is still appearing in the GOTG series and has not appeared in any X-Men related books.