
Yes, hence why I immediately recognized her, however it doesn’t make it a good cosplay. It makes it a bad cosplay with a good costume.

The costumes are great, but with the exception of Kiera and Zoltan none of the cosplayers look the part. The girl playing Cerys is likely the better part of 100 pounds heavier than the original character, the guy playing Geralt looks like a woman playing a man playing a woman playing Geralt. I respect the work they

She’s a character from Ard Skellige, one of the characters you can help ascend to the throne. If you’ve played the game you might not recognize her because the character in question is probably 100 pounds lighter than the person cosplaying as her.

Yes, you’re being self righteous. I made a statement, you pulled a sanctimonious horse shit argument based around semantics and then proceeded to refuse to even conceptualize the fact that you were wrong and continued to try and bicker, squabble and come up with reasons as to why I was wrong when I’m not.

Machinima... as in the internet video group responsible for a boad load of terrible stuff, or do they just share the name?

Honestly? Eggman reverting to Dr. Ivo Robotnik and a complete universe reboot based on the Sonic SatAM and Archie Comics universe. Not the recently rebooted Archie Comics universe, the original where Sonic and his friends were a bunch of plucky rebels fighting back against the brutal reign of Robotnik, conqueror of

You only get so much maturity out of people when you go after someone repeatedly. You weren’t having a discussion with me, you were simply being a self righteous asshole who couldn’t ever be wrong. You reap what you sow.

If you don’t want people to think your feelings are hurt then I would suggest you stop acting like a pissy little bitch.

Alright, I get it. I’ll refrain from making statements containing a measure of hyperbole to avoid hurting your fragile, tissue thin feelings.

Actually follow the links and look at the content. You’ll see there’s a good number of people chiming in like she’s actually been wronged somehow by Nintendo here. It’s also part of a larger issue with this generation, but I’m not going to get into it with someone intent on white knighting an idiot.

Read what you quoted. “Sometimes.” Say it with me kids, “sometimes”. I didn’t say all of the time, I said sometimes. That implies I don’t mean that this generation is entirely stupid and does nothing but stupid things and behaves entirely in a stupid manner. Hell, it more than implies it.

So, we’re just going to glaze over the fact that the majority of his “family” didn’t even interact with Rhodey? What the fuck does Storm have to do with War Machine? Or Luke Cage? Or Misty Knight? Or Brother Voodoo? Or Nick Fury Jr.? Or Black Panther? Or Monica Rambeau? They might as well have had Blue Marvel in the

Only a complete self centered asshole could possibly view this as anything aside from a Watergate reference. God, this generation is depressingly stupid sometimes. Learn your history, the whole “gate” on the end of a situation is because of the Watergate incident.

Speaking from experience working QA, it’s an absolute grind for both the QA team and the development team. It’s the stage where game development gets dirty, slow and tiresome. It’s like slogging your way through a swamp.

I’ve got a better idea. Take a look at FFXV and then take a look at DQVII. Think to yourself “Which do I prefer? An old school jRPG, or an action RPG with extremely simple combat filled with pretty boys?” then pick.

That is also why I want to purchase it, however I’m not going to spend money on it if it’s not worth it. Much as I may want to recapture that nostalgic feeling, I don’t want to waste money more.

As I’ve said, I don’t play many jRPGS currently.

Read another 25 issues. Issue 75 is the point where the war ends, it’s where the series should have ended. The rest is pretty much drivel after that.

Oh, believe me, I have. I tend to stray more towards action-adventure, visual novels, western RPGs and third person shooters these days. However my inner 12 year old is still chasing that jRPG high.

Played all of them. Outside of Radiant Historia nothing has really scratched the itch.