
Ah yes, meet alleged racism... with actual racism in an attempt to distract one group from noticing that you’re advocating racism.

Did you even read my post? I don’t like strategy games, I’m terrible at them. It has nothing to do with whether or not a strategy game can have a strong focus on plot and everything to do with the fact that I hate strategy games.

Turn Dragon Age around? Narratively speaking it’s in a better place than it ever has been, and it just came off a game with the strongest cast of characters from any BioWare title.

They replaced the lead writer for Dragon Age with the best writer on BioWare’s staff, Patrick Weekes, and they lost the lead writer of the Mass Effect series to The Old Republic before ME2 was even half done. The guy they lost for Mass Effect was only for ME Andromeda and had only been with BioWare for a year and a

No. The vast majority of what I like the Dragon Age series is due to the heavy focus on character, I’m willing to put up with the limitations of BioWare’s design philosophies to get what I like out of the games. However I’m not willing to put up with a tactics game to get that. My brain is mush when it comes to

My cat is a 20 lb white ragdoll with brown spots, one which looks like a broken heart on his side. He’s an asshole, he’s antisocial, cranky, yowls at random intervals and I can count on my fingers the amount of times he’s come to sit on my lap in the last 11 years. He’s the worst pet I’ve ever had. But I love that

I’m still a little bit pissed that they’re wrapping up the Ultimate Despair storyline in an anime as opposed to a game.

I understand the Justice League thing, as typically JL stories are staggered somewhat from the rest of the DCU. That’s more or less been the case for the last 30 years. They’re either ahead or behind. However even with the new mandate they really should at least try to keep books that are connected to each other on

This is all very touching, if not heavy handed and a tad behind the times. Bruce is Batman again, he has the memories, he has the skills, it’s about three weeks until we see him in the Batsuit once more. DC has got to get a better handle on timelines.

Luke Cage has the proportions of a literal gorilla. He’s not even human shaped.

Man, the artwork is absolutely terrible. I have a feeling this is going to get canceled pretty quick.

Jesus H Christ, at what point did two men showing affection toward each other in a manner that is quite obviously based on friendship become mistaken with homosexual tendencies? This begging for characters to be made gay is starting to get ridiculous. I’m all for equal representation, in fact I’m a huge proponent of

So, when exactly is this supposed to take place? First off the Joker hasn’t looked like that in nearly ten years, which is neither here nor there I admit. The real crux of the issue is that the Joker is currently a regular person, having suffered severe physical trauma in a climactic final battle with Batman, where

You left out the most important facet of his character. He’s a racist Mary Sue.

They were wiped, all EU content was wiped. That said Revan was originally considered for inclusion in the Mortis storyline of The Clone Wars, he even got character designs for it completed, but was cut. So there was intent to canonize Knights of the Old Republic. Furthermore Malachor was added to canon by the Clone

“Scenes”, actually just one line.

Wow, Kim Kardashian must be pretty inspirational for her to make Demo Lovato proud of curves she doesn’t have.

Yes, I know, however the casting of one principal character is indicative of the rest.

The Powerpuff Girls is an established cartoon, why not make something new?

Normally I would agree with you, but in one of the initial media releases announcing the return of the series they stated that Tom Kenny would be returning to voice a few characters. Do you know who Tom Kenny is? Why, the voice of Spongebob Squarepants, Ice King, and a myriad of other characters. If they can afford