
I toly mad, brah.

Ugh, seriously? Fuck you, Nintendo, no one wanted ANOTHER Fire Emblem character.

Nah. I’m a firm believer that Damian is not meant to be the Bat. He’s too aggressive, his temper is much too prevalent and he’s lacking in the more intellectual side of things. I’m also more of a follower of the idea that he’s a character who needs to be just as defined by his maternal lineage as his paternal, which

Gordon as Batman has definitely been interesting, but I’d almost have preferred to see him as his own hero instead of Batman.

Nah, McGinnis is Batman Beyond. The fact that future’s end New 52 Tim Drake is currently Batman Beyond bothers me to no end.

It is the same depowered Supes as in the mainstream series, it’s just a different writer and we all know how that goes. Case in point the Super Spider-Man series, in the hands of the man writer Dan Slott it was a mediocre series, in the hands of whoever wrote the Superior team up series, Spock actually had a character

I’d say it’s for the best in both cases. Bruce Wayne is Batman, there’s no one else who can hold the mantle unless their names are “Dick Grayson” or “Tim Drake”. The Superheavy storyline has been interesting, a departure from the norm, but it six months in it still feels like it’s just another attempt from a major

It’s not really a spoiler, as the game has no storyline so much as it is a desire to be surprised. I told my friends this in regards to Force Awakens spoilers, “If any of you spoil anything about Force Awakens to me I will knock you the fuck out.”, all but one knew I was serious. The one who thought I was kidding then

It’s a tumblr, reddit and 4chan invasion. It’s happened multiple times before, it’s a few hundred people voting via spam accounts solely to fuck with the site. Beginning and end of story.

I think the appropriate response to this whole series of articles is this: go fuck yourself.

Chrono Break.

They count all of the living and worthwhile Marvels in their number, they already were the best team.

Finally? Joker hasn’t been seen in seven issues. Seven. That’s not a “finally”, as he usually only makes a major appearance every couple years.

Nothing about this article convinced me that it’s not an easy job, in fact it convinced me of the opposite. That any nerd with a quick wit and a good announcing voice could do this.

I would buy a Danganronpa pc port... Two years after they released for $2.50 for the pair. :-P

That is definitely the thrust of the article, however anyone working in public relations of any kind knows that the public is hard to deal with. If they can’t take it, they shouldn’t be working social media.

The individuals may not be the ones to blame, and they should not be subjected to the ire of fans, however the very nature of social media is fans being able to say what they want to. It’s the nature of the beast and I can all but guarantee that the actual workers are not taking it personally.

First and foremost, I have to ask one very important question. Do you know how to read? Second, are you 12 years old? I have to ask as the argument that possessing an informed opinion requires me to somehow be a professional working in an industry is extremely childish, and very, very ignorant. It’s also strange how

It’s not paranoia. This is Square-Enix we’re talking about, one of the most reprehensible major publishers. A company known for shorting dev budgets, for having unrealistic expectations for sales, for pushing preorder DLC, for trying to nickel and dime customers. Hell, have we forgotten the ‘augment your preoder’

Oh, that is some blatant bullshit. This remake is guaranteed to sell millions of copies, if they opened it up for preorder tomorrow they would probably have at least a million paid for by the end of the month. Fans would eat up limited editions, day one bundles and even console bundles without any hesitation. Shit,