
So, uh, NIER spoilers abound...

He thinks that the rules of YouTube don’t apply to him. He uploaded Nintendo content and it was claimed, he threw a childish fit complete with crocodile tears and swore up and down that he’d never cover Nintendo again. He uploaded Nintendo content again a few months later and the process repeated. So either he’s just

Difference being Bungie never promised to never put micro transaction into Destiny. We judge people, companies and products differently based on their intentions.

I’m not one to support dirty business practises, but how can anyone be dumber enough to get into it with Angry Joe? The guy is a grade A moron.

No they shouldn’t, and fuck you and that shitty comedian for suggesting video games be cheapened any more than they already have been over the past few years.

Here’s a crazy idea, don’t give a phone to a toddler. Revolutionary, I know, but kids that young don’t need to and shouldn’t be playing on phones.

Yes they do, actually. Development teams get royalties and bonuses. Programmers are also the highest paid members of development teams, in some cases out earning department leads.

That may be how you would look at it, but that’s not how it actually works unless you’re paying off loans. However it’s a moot point as I’m never going to be a voice actor, so to me it’s just a bunch of people whining about not getting overpaid enough.

Yes, but what do you do if you view the games he makes as garbage and want nothing to do with brain dead social crap?

This is laughable to me. I want to be a voice actor, it’s a dream I’ve had for years. However I will say flat out voice actors are grossly overpaid in many circumstances. I know some who went in, recorded for an hour and walked away with $1,000. Voice acting is essentially freelance work and a lot of it is non union

After what Konami pulled with the PC version Fifa wins by default.

One new spell, no moogles, an entirely male cast, no Chocobo breeding even though an open world game would be perfect for it, a fashion designer (ugh), and such a ridiculous excuse on a lack of dual language audio? It’s like they’re trying to provide reasons not to buy the game.

Ultimate Mysterio was barely a threat, and Peter carried the weight in that crossover. It doesn’t matter what the reasons stated were, Miles was made an Ultimate out of guilt, and his team was easily the worst incarnation of it. The literal biggest issue was a lesbian clone of Peter Parker being attracted to a

He served as an Ultimate only after all the real members were dead or incapacitated. His team consisted of a bunch of street level kids, and they faced no major threats. He was only added to the Ultimate roster because of guilt. The defeat of Galactus had nothing to do with him, and Hydra was not a huge threat.

He wasn’t actually an Ultimate. It was basically the Young Avengers, and the biggest thing they dealt with before getting canceled very, very quickly was the fact that Peter Parker’s gender swapped clone was attracted to and in love with Kitty Pryde. As for dealing with Doctor Doom and Osborn... that’s not actually

That’s four teams too many. I get that they’re trying to integrate their newer characters in, but they shouldn’t be. Miles Spidey and Ms. Marvel haven’t earned the right to be Avengers, and they’re both way too young. Miles is 15 years old, they’re bringing in a kid barely out of puberty to fight super villains?

I vaguely recall taking a trip down to Seattle when I was about four years old, my parents brought home the NES SMB bundle, so this would have been 1989. In fact it’s probably just shy of 26 years since I first played it. It was great. I got 30 minutes a day to play, and I can remember my dad showing me the 3-1

Bendis had better not be pulling a Kitty Pryde and Starlord with this. I don’t like MJ, but to hook those two up would be beyond creepy. He’s over 15 years her senior one.

Every game is more fun when you don’t take it too seriously. That’s how fun works.

No, the chips are ruffles as others have said. Either way, though, gross.