
One More Day was not a stupid mistake, it was simply a horrible storyline. Mary Jane and Peter is one of the worst long term relationships in comics.

All I know is since I’ve been drinking between one to two liters of water a day I feel a hell of a lot better.

I really hope they do actually break up Superman and Wonder Woman. They’re about as interesting a couple as paint and drying.

Gee, a dirty port. Absolutely no one is shocked.

Sometimes I wish I was American, with your lower prices at the pump, and vastly superior selection and pricing at the grocery store. Certain aspects of my life would be much cheaper. However then I read articles like this and I’m glad that the “Conservatives” that make up the douche canoe that is the Canadian

Most of these, especially the first, are complete and utter bullshit.

Here’s hoping they somehow made the game multiplayer...

Three? Pretty sure the only time he’s actually flat out beat Superman was during the recent Endgame storyline. Where did these other times occur?

Batman rarely, if ever, comes out on top. It’s almost always a loss or a draw, if memory serves he’s beaten Superman all of one time.

Yeah, I’ve actually stopped trying to read the small text, which is a shame as I know that CD Projekt Red put a lot of time and effort into getting the lore just right.

I dunno, his face is shaped like a banana. Kotaku is quite literally the only place I’ve seen him referred to as handsome.

Geralt is handsome?

Seriously? She’s not even that pretty, she’s incredibly average.

Disliking someone does not indicate jealousy, nor does it make me a “tough guy”.

The fairies from the N64 games creeped me out to no end. Even now their piercing laugh scream makes me shudder every time I play OoT or MM.

I don’t have a question, I’d just like to congratulate you for being so successful while at the same time being one of the worst reviewers, interviewers and on screen performers I’ve ever seen. Your work at IGN was atrocious. So yeah, congratulations.

Action Comics over Batman? Could you be any less of a valid source?

Not sure I’d refer to him as DC’s flagship character, Batman kind of took that role away from him.

I know there are better things I could nitpick about, but Kara is not pronounced like that thing you drive to work every day. It’s pronounced like the name Karen...

He can have all the soul he wants, unfortunately he actually doesn’t. Geralt comes across as bored, disinterested and incredibly one note in virtually every scene in the games. A lot of it can be sourced back to his voice actor, who is one of the worst I’ve ever heard. He speaks in a plain manner, has few peaks and