
I have a fit bit blaze and love it! I wear it everyday.

Ya, people are so pissed when you drop $200 on a tech item for them for Christmas. Nevermind it is also something called a watch. People have been know to drop 10k on those things. With all that said, if any of you are wanting to give those fitbits you just bought away so that your beloved millenials won’t need puppy

Thank God for the Republican party! Those slave holding Democrats almost won.

Nice to see that Facebook is banning sites that they deem fake news. Now what is to stop democrats from starting fake sites called veteransfortrump spreading stupid stuff giving Trump a bad name all the while accomplishing their goal?

There is no resolution, that is why this is so stupid! These idiots act like cops say, “I cant wait to get up tomorrow so I can kick the Sh**t out of some low life tomorrow”. Maybe just maybe the Cops are worried about seeing their 3 year old daughter again and make a bad judgement call, because they have to deal with

It is also attributed to fans like me who went from watch every game I could get in, to watching nothing but the Dallas Cowboys. I am so sick of this. You don’t think it will affect the ratings? Men watch football to get away from the bitching and complaining. Now we have to listen to it from pampered millionaires.

Your saying you are unwilling to do the research? I get it, the truth is hard to handle.

First off politics was my auto correct changing probiotics. Yes their are different saverities. My wife has Crohn’s disease of the upper and lower intestines and it will attatch to other organs. It’s a  so severe only 15 % of all the Crohn’s cases actually have it as bad as she does. We know people with Crohn’s

Listen I don’t have time or patietence to educate all of y’all on aluminum in the HEP B shot. If you want to learn more about it, find episode 5 of the truth about vaccines Ty presents all the facts and data there. If not than that is ok also but until you actually do research on it you just remain ignorant to the

I find the irony in all your comments hilarious! You are using the term diversity but you are complaining about their white work force. For every where you write white, change that word to black and pretend you are reading it. You will realize how racist it sounds. If we are truly going to be united in unity we have

“Homeopathy is, at best, worthless” This is truly the most ignorant comment I have ever herd. Are you telling me that you don’t believe anything natural helps your body heal? If you really believe this it shows you have never tried to heal something naturally. My wife has Crohn’s disease, do you know how we treat it?

Lol, I am not a homeopathic person and won’t mention Mercury but I will mention aluminum. The HEB shot has 7 times the legal amount of aluminum for an infant yet we i inject it into their bodies within minutes of their birth. If you took the HEB b shot and dumped it into your drinking water the CDC would label it a