Mr. Pedantic

I'm pretty shocked at all the "overrated", wet-blanket comments below and in other threads. Where were all these complainers when Les Miz came out - an insufferable film that completely failed in its mission, regardless of what you thought about the original musical?

I'm sure it was intentionally ambiguous, as the sequence begins with a closeup on Mia and ends with a closeup on Seb.

Who the fuck is Chris Brown?

"I must study politics and war that my sons may have liberty to study mathematics and philosophy. My sons ought to study mathematics and philosophy, geography, natural history, naval architecture, navigation, commerce, and agriculture, in order to give their children a right to study painting, poetry, music,

This Sherlock suffers from whatever self-serious ailment has lately befallen our other legendary British crime fighter, 007. Too many repressed memories, too much family drama, too much heavy back story.

Isn't she the German lady from Austin Powers?

Just like DJT, she came across as the spoiled rich kid in a classroom who thinks they can bullshit their way through the semester, even when the teacher picks on them.

The real reason was because the show got mixed signals as to the number of episodes in the final season. They wrapped up everything to a satisfying conclusion, then got word from the studio that they had four more episodes to deliver. So they took a mulligan and made up this sliding doors scenario to finally appease

Nothing she said will make a difference, of course; no minds will be changed. The Trumpets will blast full force tomorrow, decrying Hollywood elitism and doing their best to bash Meryl.
But it doesn't matter. The freedom to speak out needs to be exercised for its own sake. Yes, every time someone famous has a mic in

The goths in Bed Bath and Beyond was completely unrealistic. You would never find a BB&B employee so knowledgable and available.

"Good riddance, that godless liberal peacock can have her."
- thousands of lost souls on Facebook right now

I guess the "powers that be" will keep signing my paycheck at least until John and Jane Q. Viewer will start to go for the remote so they can go back to watching commentators who don't "frighten children" and don't "eat their own dandruff" and don't "pop their whiteheads with a compass they used in high school."

The Fountainhead contains way too much reading and too consistent a political viewpoint to serve as an ingredient in the batter that produced Trump.

He also dated Michelle Pfeiffer…you know, before things really started going his way.


It's so important.

Kirsten Dunst, not Kristen.

This episode did not give a fuck. In a good way.