Mr. Pedantic

Now we know that Alec Baldwin has been preparing for this role for 25 years. "You're fired!" Not including all the times he wanted to say it on 30 Rock.

Felicity did some great ones (not mentioned in the link below)…I believe one of the first shows to try it for the entire episode. Matt Reeves liked it so much that we probably have Felicity to thank for Cloverfield.

You mean Charles Krauthammer?

They should definitely do this as a social experiment, to see whether it has any impact on the box office.

Your examples show an inferior picture beating out the worthy pick. I was thinking of a feel-good film beating out the kind of film more people should be seeing, given current racial tensions and Oscar's lily white history. It's too bad that when a racially charged movie wins like Crash or Driving Miss Daisy or Guess

La La Land: Driving Miss Daisy :: Moonlight: Do the Right Thing

Would that it were so simple.

Same, except 1979 and 35 years…

Speaking of which, last night I passed a shawarma place with a big poster of Chris, Chris, RDJ, and Mark that said something about eating shawarma makes you cool. I'm thinking, no Scarlett? Women don't eat shawarma?

Careful, or he'll fake sue you like he did to Bill Maher.

Just because lots of people see a movie doesn't mean they like it (see BvS, Transformers). It's like it was preordained that girls would dress like Harley, regardless of how badly the movie sucked.

"It’s strange it didn’t happen sooner:"
No, Honest Trailers are always released around the time the DVD or digital release of a movie comes out. That way they can use more than just the trailer footage (duh…).

I love how the store is still shoving Harley Quinn down every emo mall rat's throat, even though the movie was a dud.

Let's just hope that Schadenfreude is the only German word we'll be introduced to.

Mac and Me Origins: Mac Daddy

At least it's consistent with the carelessness by which he allows the other train wreck in his life, his marriage, to self-destruct. He was equally desperate to engage in an affair with his wife's friend, which left incriminating evidence as traceable as the two votes in the trash.

Given his stance on birth control, it's ironic to think that Pence is a human prophylactic for impeachment.

"I'm in the mood for Chinese food. How about that Lucky Cheng's I've heard so much about?"

You can lead a donkey to water, but you can't make him drink. Hillary ran a tough campaign. If people need to be dragged kicking and screaming to the voting booth to exercise their constitutional duty, to vote for progress, to not send our country back five decades, to not put a repugnant autocrat in the white house,

It's not just satire. Every single fucking newspaper in the country (except the one owned by Sheldon Adelson) endorsed Clinton, or at least un-endorsed Trump. Satire isn't dead: facts are dead.