Josh Eklow

This group has some folks that would love to play KQ in DC with you…

Or was it Coach Mumbai?

Coach Bombay made the same mistake.

We "regulars" that get such a bad rep actively police ourselves and do work to make sure we're not doing the things people so often accuse us of. We're a community, and we very much care about the growth of the game and the experience of new players, and those encountering us at the arcade.

Placing a quarter, calling next, or doing anything at all to indicate that one might want to play is welcome. KQ players look around to see if anyone is waiting to get on, but it seems some folks would rather just judge those playing as being exclusionary, and make no attempt to get into the game. Hopping on Yelp and

Ask to play next time! KQ players are always looking to invite new people to play, but can't catch everyone.

If you're in Chicago, Wednesday nights are league night at Logan Arcade's KQ machine. It's a drop-in, drop-out, free to play, friendly round robin, starting at around 8PM. Bring a team or find one there, it's a great way to make new friends and learn the game.