Josh Blauvelt

PS I loved the little dig at American self-centeredness that Cosmonaut makes to Strand!

You realize they don't have time in the series to show everything that the characters may encounter, day to day, right? Otherwise, I'm sure every other minute will be a zombie fight.

Ok, I'm liking this season a lot, despite the fact they killed off Travis (he wanted to leave the show, I get it). Madison stated earlier in the season that she would ultimately take over the ranch, or something to that effect, to keep her family safe. I didn't take that as literal but more as she would get herself

I don't think Bianca, although TERRIFIC at it, has a monopoly on Shade; many Queens can throw shade - look at the Heathers from Season 3. But it's usually from a place of meanness, spite, bitterness, or the mentality of "I'm gonna hurt you before you can hurt my feelings." So, no, I don't think Bianca has inspired