
Aren’t you a little Shore for a Stormtrooper?

I can’t help but notice that it should be “in the same vein” but “in the same vain” is technically correct in this context. Huh.

I bought my GTI in March 2014 at the tender age of 51. So. much. fun. I love this car. I’m really itching to take it to NJ Motorsports Park for a track day. Maybe in the spring.

When we put the Eclipse from FnF 1 in Forza 6, I was pushing hard for it to have 15 gears (i work at turn 10.) Alas, we gave it only 5.

I’ll just leave this here.

Get on the van, they say - on the van. Fuck you, I’m getting in the van!

I’ve often wondered aloud why the 1% even bother with normal cars, I would have assumed they would have all gone to private coaches like this long ago.

Yeah, all the screens looked great except for Donald Glover’s laptop with a popup that said “Calculations Correct.”

Read this and I agree with it so there you have it.

No way, have had mine since March as well. SCCA at Blackhawk, check. Dodging cones around a parking lot, check. Mk6

We’re getting closer.....

Who the fuck gave him a keyboard

Get rid of the hot rodders. Seriously. The Hot August Nights crowd has destroyed car television in America. In fact, forget America entirely - let’s do a show about tuning and mods in other countries.

You may get a smokescreen as an added bonus!

And with the right British car, you don’t even need to push a button!

I keep hearing Bonnie Tyler singing “turn around, bright eyes” when I see this picture.

Darkness! No parents!

Nope... hate cars.

Corvette Racing needs to run full time in WEC and Tudor as well.