Ah, yes. The “Kobayashi Maru Solution”. Kirk would be proud.
Ah, yes. The “Kobayashi Maru Solution”. Kirk would be proud.
I’ve owned a ‘69 MGB for 10 years and was kind of sad to think it may be the oldest car I’ve ever driven. And then I remembered I’ve driven my father-in-law’s 1953 Ford F100, ‘Oscar’. Oscar is what you might describe as “gently used”. Oscar has three-on-the-tree, barely functioning lap belts, a broken drivers-side…
Meh. Should be pillar-less.
The post-bear interior doesn’t look too unlike a Subaru that parks on my street in Chicago. And that one has never had a bear in it to my knowledge.
Literally, one of my earliest memories: Sitting on the infield grass at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway with a cigar box full of Matchbox cars watching the time trials. This must have been about ‘72 when the time trials (it wasn’t called “qualifying” - “time trials”) were nearly as big of a deal as the race itself…
This convinced me that the robot racing series might be more entertaining than everyone thought.
Great, great stuff, Raph! More like this, please.
Right on with the Rally Ready shout-out! Dave Carapetyan is an excellent fellow, a hot shoe and a brilliant instructor. Full disclosure: I’m lucky enough to be married to his even excellent-er (well, to me anyway) sister. Everyone here - go take a class from these guys! You won’t be disappointed!
I’ll stick with my 2015 GTI, thanks. Got over 38mpg between Chicago and Milwaukee last week (then took it on-track at the Milwaukee Mile road course and kinda, sorta nudged that average down a wee bit - ahem).
Great write-up! Can’t tell you how happy I am to see it this morning. I’m a thrice-daily Jalopnik reader, LeMons racer/self-torturer and I just happen to be married to Dave Carapetyan’s beautiful and equally badass sister. Rally Ready rules and Dave is an excellent instructor. Go there, my fellow Jalops! You will not…
46-yr-old web designer/LeMons driver living in the city of Chicago. Am I the target market for the GTI? Yes. Yes, I am. Bought mine in March (S cuz plaid + PP). Taking it to SCCA Track Night in America for the second time tomorrow night. It’s the funs!
A quick scan of the comments here seems to turn up a lot of the same basic sentiment I feel about car shows in the US. I mean, I like muscle cars as much as the next jamoke but I live in America - I see a lot of ‘em. And if I want to learn more about them I can just ask the multitude of dudes at any car show on any…
I’ve lived in the city of Chicago for 20+ years now and I’ll chip in with the only question I think is important regarding winter: where do you expect to park? If you’ll have your own garage with a driveway that gets cleared, you definitely do NOT need AWD. If you’ll be parking on the street or off an alley, it…
We “raced” against that there radial MR-2 a couple times and, unfortunately, it never really worked. It was truly glorious to see it puffing and sputtering around the paddock but I’m not sure they ever actually turned a lap in anger. Now those guys have a V-6 from a Toyota minivan (don’t know the exact details)…
Didja have to go and do it, guys? I’m just days away from shipping my ‘83 W123 to its new owner. *Sniff*
Everything about this is incredible! The music? Genius. I thought the woodpecker in the second tune did an especially nice job.
Such a cool, stout, workhorse of an airplane. Made all the cooler by the lack of dorky bro-metal jams or EDM in the video. Nice work, whoever did this.