Josh Bailey

8 x 8 square tube stacked 5 high, all the ataching hardware and the compression system system behind it, add labor to install and $500 seems cheap.

The SAFER barriers might not prevent the initial wreck, but they do help prevent the secondary wrecks by not flinging the car back in front of traffic.

Your argument kinda sucks. Sorry. Guns can’t be deadlier than deadly. So you can’t make something that is deadly even more deadlier. Point number two. Your argument about guns being made deadlier does not equate to cars being made safer. Cars are being made safer, just as guns are. Wait... Nope. Accident in a car,

I’m pretty proud of making this. Disregard the watermark.

‘fraid they do, at least in the US. Character 10 of the VIN is model year for all makes. H is 2017 for everyone

5th Gear:

I don’t know of a SINGLE State that allows you to physically resist an arrest. You want to contend the arrest as unlawful you have to do it IN COURT. Not on the streets by physically moving away, squirming or otherwise....RESISTING.

Why does everyone think that if you can afford $100K suddenly $7500 means nothing? Seriously, the credit further incentivizes it over the competition. Just because you can afford something doesn’t mean you buy it be doesn’t mean you aren’t interested in saving money. Just because you can afford the $20K Elantra

I think the notices just get lost in the junk mail. If you got a letter that said “Important notice for your 2002 Honda Civic” would you think it’s a life or death situation or would you think it’s someone trying to sell a warranty? I think I get one of those every other week and only once has it been a recall.

Wait, let's just charge every electric car with the energy created by those electric cars passing over speed bumps every 5 feet. Instant, unlimited energy! You're welcome Earth.


The second Camaro render is mind-bendingly awesome. ARE YOU SEEING THIS CALLAWAY???

Range anxiety and objective range reality are different things.

“haggle-free used car dealers like CarMax are so appealing; they reduce the price anxiety.”

It’s because the front of the car is angled like there’s supposed to be a grille under the point. If they just smoothed it round, it wouldn’t look as awkward.

Steel support is at least an inch thick. Glass is 1/4". It’s about head room.

It’s for head room.

I agree, I have a 4th gen Firebird. It’s got a huge hatch area and I love being able to use it for things other than just hauling marginal amounts of ass.

I can carry my mountain bike or road bike back there with the front wheel off (stowed in the t-top area) and it’s pretty good at carrying a lot of other things

Fair enough. I guess on paper they do produce better fuel economy. On paper.

Chevy SS. Near-luxury, affordable, roomy, quick, V8, RWD, stick, can fit carseats, in-laws, strollers, and a weekend’s gear.