Josh Bailey

Oh, so stick is “technically challenged” now, eh?

I’m thinking Gen AA, Gen BB, Gen CC, etc.

Weight matters not when it comes to supercar top speeds. It’s nearly all a function of HP and aero.

An engine produces the most thrust in one part of its torque curve. This is called the “power band,” the range of RPMs over which the engine produces the bulk of its power. Having more gears means you can keep your car’s engine RPM closer to the peak of its power band regardless of your wheel RPM.

Dear GM,

Pepperidge Farm remembers...

But my point being- GM didn’t purposevly and intentionally engineer that switch to be defective, right? If we were to compare what GM to VW, the ignition switches would have been engineered to fail right away. Instead as it turned out the switches failed once there was a combination of wear to the switch mech and an

When I was in my TDI phase, I had the same thought. Essentially, the same setup as the Volt only using a diesel as a power source.

I see your Evo I and raise you an Evo II.

So this is what Garth will drive in the Waynes World Reboot starring some annoyning ids from the Disney Channel

The issue is not producing hydrogen, the issue is producing hydrogen in bulk. At school you produced hydrogen at atmospheric pressure, so you are not realizing how much hydrogen you need to fill a 5kg tank at 10,000 psi. Not to mention the cost.

Texan here...

because you need to pass emissions and the engine has to be able to live a long life

But it does look like a Fiat 500. ;)

Yup, raise a tax that disproportionately affects the folks with the least money in order to encourage them to buy expensive new items they can’t afford. It’s a winner!

The domestics already make better cars than VW. This has nothing to do with lobbyists and everything to do with flaunting environmental regulations. Do you really think the EPA only targets foreign firms?

I’ll just leave this here.

To be fair, most politicians like to make grandiose promises that they wouldn’t have a chance in hell of accomplishing if they get elected.

You’d rather see Hillary or Bernie try to fix this? What a dope.

There will always be a percentage of auto loans that go bad. But is that % significantly higher than the historic trend, or are there more loans in default just because there are more loans?