Josh Bailey

And get ready for an angry press release from Elon Musk threatening AAA with a libel suit and insisting that the Model S is perfect at everything and has no drawbacks or shortcomings and they have reports of owners in North Dakota getting 600 miles per charge and that gasoline cars suck just as bad in winter anyway.

I've never had a problem with Project64. If it's been a while since you've tried, they've made huge strides. A lot of the early emulators were beyond broken.

Which is basically an EyeToy.

Sweden, however, is full of Saabs. And Volvos.

"GreatMasterRace3" said HalfLife

It was released in 1996!

Wait...18 years ago?! Please tell me that's a typo, and I am, in fact, not THAT old?

Um...side mirrors kinda serve a functional purpose, can't just get rid of them. They're not just styling elements.

Seriously. Cant agree more. Been building systems since 2001. But play consoles more cuz I actually like playing games. Not constantly worrying about my framerate, or if everything is tweaked exactly right, blah blah blah. Whenever I try to play a game on my pc that isnt ff14, i spend more time tweaking than I do

There is very much indeed a limited number of C7s that can be built for this model year, which is the first year, which is critical. "Greedy?" Learn basic fucking economics, dude. Charging the going rate for your product is not "greed," it's called "being in business." Learn basic fucking economics before showing

How is it not Kosher? You don't like it, don't buy it. Nobody forces you to buy a Corvette. If you can't afford it, then don't buy one. And that is exactly what they are counting on, since as they said, they can't keep up with the current level of demand. Sorry to knock down your whole "business is evil and rich

Apparently you did. That is how supply and demand works.

All cars will cut power when they get hot, usually by adjusting the air/fuel mixture. Thus a cooler engine = a faster car.

A decision for them to make more money through a potentially expanded user-base doesn't make sense to you? Of course it doesn't when there's an opportunity for Kotaku to continue their crusade against the upstart company.

yeah man... lets just ban kids from playing outside. everyone is so fucking paranoid about EVERYTHING now. THAT disgusts me. car backfires and everyone hits the deck... litebrites set up around town and half of Massachusetts shuts down... everything is a threat. don't ever go outside again. stay in doors where it is


My friends and I made actual bombs for our war games. 2liter bottle, an entire roll of tinfoil tightly bound, some liquid plumber.... Boom!
But we also used a bunch of little kid bb guns to make sure of who really got hit.
Nothing that bad ever happened, until spears got introduced!

Backwards compatibility is a hardware limitation, and no amount of caring about their customers would have made the Wii U backwards compatible if it hadn't stuck with PowerPC.

Sony and Microsoft are still having games put out for their Gen 7 consoles, and Nintendo can't even be bothered to keep their online infrastructure up and running. Someone please remind me again: why Nintendo's loyal fans ardently insist that "Nintendo is the only one who cares about their customers"?