Josh Bailey

My vote goes for the letter Z. Z/28, ZL1, Z51, Z06, Z07, ZR1, ZR2.

For most people, the 40 miles per day will cover all of their needs.  That means you can be fully electric for ~90-95% of your driving.  For the other 5-10% you might want more range than say what a long range Tesla offers.  In that case, why not make the battery smaller and replace that weight with an ICE engine that

I don’t see it highlighted in this article, but I believe this survey references what people purchased after they sold/traded in their EV or PHEV. There could be other factors in play such as them wanting to go up in vehicle class for whatever reason and there not being a suitable EV/PHEV in their desired price range.

Tesla is the only manufacturing using it’s own standard.  Pretty much everyone else is on the same set of standards at this point.  Tesla does have the headstart in the building their own supercharger network, but other networks will be catching up.

Actually, that does cause an issue with today’s grid.  Areas with high solar power experience what is called the “Duck Curve”.  When solar is providing much of the electricity during the day the dispatchable power plants are having to turn down output to extremely low levels (sometimes to the point of being below

Using terms like Auto Pilot and Full Self Driving and then putting in fine print saying that the terms shouldn’t be taken literally is misleading and irresponsible.  While Tesla’s unconventional business structure has allowed them to make huge strides in the industry, it also shows that they don’t fully think some

This is something that has worked on my PS5 since day one.  I know for sure that turning on my PS5 turns on the TV and puts it on the right input, and turning my TV off puts the PS5 in rest mode.  My TV remote directional buttons even work on my PS5 when it is in the main menu.

According to the internet you have bought either a GM or Chrysler product.

You forgot to also mention that Brownsboro Road merges in shortly after as well, so even if you try to pass on the right you will likely get caught by that.  It’s not uncommon for me to find myself going <30 mph on that ramp, even at times with no congestion.

There is one in Louisville on I-71S at the I-264 exit. Also, both lanes end within a mile of it meaning to stay on 71S you MUST merge.

I would say that while we found out the negative qualities of both of those inventions, most of that was discovered in hind sight.  It’s difficult to claim that those were evil inventions due to the full effect not being known until decades later.

Who doesn’t take the blender apart to clean it after every use?

Interestingly enough, the 5th generation Camaro ZL1s used a different VIN sequence for ZL1s so that all of the ZL1s had a sequential VIN number regardless of what else was produced on the factory line between ZL1 models. While it does not indicate Limited Production as there wasn’t really a set target for production,

The Northwest corner of TVA on that map (purple) will be getting a lot of the power from hydroelectric.  In fact, about 60% of TVA’s power is generated using carbon free resources.

I don’t see it in this article, but another website said that Netflix will just send an email to the account with a verification code to enter in the event the algorithms believe there is password sharing. It’s easily bypassed but will at least provide some hindrance to sharing passwords.

I am pretty sure that is Leslie Nielsen driving.

I am one who recently upgraded from cable to fiber internet.  The extra upload speed benefits me because when I have worked from home I use a lot of files that are saved on network storage.  This allows me to save and send some large files as quickly as if I were on the local network.

I imagine that Finland has very consistently cold weather in the winter which means switching to snow tires is fine. However, a lot of places in the United States can have wild swings from warm to cold temperatures. Based on the best information I can find, winter tires are only rated for temperatures below 45°F

So this is basically the same concept of the Chevrolet Volt with a more modern engine design.  Perhaps instead of target a certain gas free range it will have a battery size closer to a Prius that just needs enough juice for accelerating from 0 or quick power bursts.

Profit =/= exploitation. The profit pays for the time required for doing landlord duties. Renting out a property requires time and money. Before there is even a tenant time and money is invested in setting up a lease agreement, advertising, reviewing applicants, getting proper insurances, etc. Even afterwards, time is