Josh Bailey

I am talking long term. I don’t know what data you are talking about, but I still stand behind my comment regardless. When you look at what the “traditional” automaker was manufacturing in terms of electric vehicle prior to Tesla becoming mainstream, what do you have? You have the Nissan Leaf and the Volt. Other early

I understand the idea behind designing for purely efficiency, but it’s the performance modes that attract buyers who are willing to pay. Those buyers subsidize the research and development of more obtainable models for the masses. So in fact, the manufacturers simultaneously can be serious about GHG emissions and

This is an ultra low volume car with only 209 being made for the US market.  This isn’t so much for the fans as it is for the collectors.

My second car was a 2003 Ford Explorer Eddie Bauer edition. I loved that vehicle and still miss it somewhat today despite the few issues that it had. I acquired it at a dealer auction in late fall of 2008. I presumed it was an off lease model since it was through the Ford lane and was 5 years old with a hair over 50k

I am actually a bit shocked to see that none of the cars attempt to use a heat pump for heating duty. It would seem to me that at least in cool to somewhat cold weather that those would be more efficient than electric strip heaters. Is the added weight/complexity a deterrent?

These two vehicles are in two completely different size classes.

It doesn’t take much to see how relaxed the EU tests are.  Their rated fuel economy figures are almost always higher than the US values for similar cars.

It is amazing to think about the story of the Sebring.  I swear I used to see them daily around 10-15 years ago, and now I have just realized I can’t remember the last time I actually did see one.

I would say that it mostly allows for a pump curve to be generated that is somewhat independent of fluid.

I used to think the same thing, but as I got more into sizing pumps or evaluating system changes with existing pumps it started to make sense.  Perhaps I am just crazy.

Don’t forget that 1 psi is the same as 2.31 feet of head (if you are referencing water) and that for any nominal pipe size the OD doesn’t change with schedule.

Disney+ is going to cost around $70 per year. This comes out to 3-4 Blu-rays per year. Most people probably don’t average that many in a year. From a business perspective the subscription model is the way to go. You charge the consumer a smaller fee, $6.99 per month is easier to swallow than $25 for the latest movie

Chemical engineer here. You are totally correct that running lean doesn’t make things hotter, in fact you will make the overall reaction cooler because you have less fuel in the mixture. However, running lean adds excess oxygen to the reaction. To a certain degree, this will allow the reaction to occur at a faster

Many manufacturers will take what is essentially the same engine and change things like cam profiles and tuning to better match the application. A sporty car can have the engine configured and tuned for more upper end power at the expense of low end torque while the crossover will prefer and lower and wider torque

Companies do lock out workers all the time. Here is an example.

The timing for negotiations and contracts are set years in advanced. While I can’t speak for the UAW and the automakers, many unions and companies have rules stating that strikes can only occur following the end date on the contract. If a new contract isn’t voted in by that time then the union has the option to strike

I completely understand where you are going with your statement, but we have to look long term.  The EV subsidy has the benefit of artificially creating a market for EVs which has spurred development faster than would have happened naturally.  That means we will be getting “everyman” EVs much sooner than would have

“ as electric vehicles continuously trump combustion engine vehicles in performance and the industry shifts further to battery power, companies are going to lose a lot of the tangible qualities like engine note, transmission gearing, fuel type, etc. that they can currently lean on to differentiate their vehicles from

As for the Mitsubishi Eclipse Spyder driven by Walker’s co-star Tyrese Gibson, yeah, no, that car was never an object of desire for anybody.”

Here is a star for having an orange car with black accents.