Josh Bailey

That is actually starting to become possible now with cars starting to integrate steer-by-wire systems and brake-by-wire systems on top of the drive-by-wire system for the accelerator pedal.

That means we will go back to the days of major safety and environmental incidents being the norm...

I must be clinically insane to go out and specifically do a factory production order on my car to ensure that I got an orange one.

Even the chemical solutions are only used to clean the crap off. They don’t do anything to prevent it from happening again. I also use the steel brushes because they get it right off with no fuss.

Even if the clamp is made of the same material you will still need an interface to the copper wire unless you want to change out all of the wiring as well.

There are a lot of diesel owners that dont care about pollution.

However when your car is nearly 18 years old and has 250,000 miles on the odometer no amount of additional depreciation will offset the lower prices of gently used off-lease cars.

Not only is it a major hub, it is their central global hub. It’s located in Louisville, KY.

You have the most informative post in this whole thread.

That’s because they presented a safety issue when they would catch fire.

This article goes into great detail about what is known regarding the enzymatic and chemical reactions behind lactose digestion and lactose intolerance. What else do you want?

The redline for those large diesel motors is very low. Displacement/turbos help make torque. Torque at higher RPMs makes power. When you don’t have the RPMs you don’t high power. However, you don’t need to rev these trucks up high because of their high torque.

Only very narrow circumstances does the Volt’s ICE actually power the wheels. The Volt will default to running off electricity. If the battery level drops to a certain level it will start the ICE and run it at a predetermined RPM level. The ICE is only connected to the generator at this point. However, if the power

The Volt is an EV that utilizes a constant duty ICE engine as a generator. However, the biggest problem with this setup is weight and compromise. You now have a car with both ICE based and electric based drivetrains so you have the weight of the ICE, the weight of the electric motors, the weight of the fuel tank, and

It IS caused by the greediness of corporations who aren’t willing to eat the costs of additional taxes and regulation. /sarcasm

The outrage is that dealers prefer to convince people that Statement 1 is the only correct statement. This article is a reminder that Statement 2 is usually the correct statement. Also, the more that people are aware of Statement 2, the more true it becomes because competition will increase. People not shopping around

While I am not one to argue for a lot of government intervention in the market I feel that limited meddling in the EV market can be good. EVs currently are expensive to develop and manufacture. By providing incentives for them to sell it actually encourages more companies to jumpstart this development cycle by

While the government isn’t raising the MSRP of a car they are most definitely raising the out-the-door cost. What we are seeing in Europe is the equivalent of a “sin tax” on cars with combustible engines with greater engine displacements being more “sinful”.

I will also argue that yes the government is regulating the

The real question is what kind of cheap plastic did they use for the two red lights on either side of the license plate? They have all faded to clear/white by now.

Ford the river next time.