Josh Bailey

I am excited to play it on my Wii U because I already own one. If history is any indicator then there won’t be a lot of difference between the versions. I am referring to Twilight Princess for NGC and Wii.

I don't see how his statement says he is part of the problem. When the semi trucks are routinely doing well under the speed limit why shouldn't Pudge-the-Fish!- pass them in the left lane? At least the semis that are not capable of driving the speed limit are staying right. I seem to always get stuck in the scenario

All real here.

That didn’t stop me and my friends from spending hours upon hours playing that game as kids.

At least you will always feel like you are driving fast due to traffic slowing down for you.

Have you ever driven a full sized truck?

What about a Pontiac G8? The Chevy SS’s are currently going right over $30k for 2014 models.

That methods sure beats gallons of no rinse sanitation solution aka iodaphor.

I remember a similar situation a couple of months back on I-264 in Louisville. Traffic was doing approximately 10 over when the notorious unmarked black Mustang pulled into traffic ahead of us from a prior stop. We all slowed down as to not pass him, and he was set at exactly 55 on the dot. This went on for a couple

The skepticism from GM comes from a bottom end on battery cost based on raw material cost.

That isn't necessarily backwards. Controls software can be very proprietary, and is very expensive. To upgrade to new hard could possibly require new software which could run into 10's of thousands of dollars. The new hardware could then not be backwards compatible with the equipment in the field. Now you are easily

Reminds me of a comment I heard from a kid along the lines of, "Someone should invent a cord you tie your phone to so you don't lose it."

I believe it sounds like they are not so much protesting the rules regulations as they are protesting that Uber doesn’t follow the regulations, and no one is enforcing anything upon them.

It still might be functional since Corvette hoods are hinged at the front and open from the base of the windshield.

That's the point of the protest.

The issue is less of innovation and more of regulation. As stated in the article, taxi companies are heavy regulated to the point of thin margins for the operators. It's hard to innovate when the government tells you what car to have, what color it has to be, how much you can charge, etc. However, Uber drivers face no

Have you used a DS4 controller? It's vastly ergonomically superior to prior iterations. Many of my friends who have both prefer the DS4 to the XBO controller. You are one of the very few who I have heard say otherwise.

Steam vehicles required time to warm the boiler. They also had terrible throttle response. They were good for long cruises.

I don’t know the absolute numbers, but the chart shows firearm assisted suicides in the decline as a percentage of total suicides. If easier access to firearms is to be the leading cause of the increase of suicide rates then firearm use would also have to go up. It appears that people are finding other ways to kill