Josh Bailey

Daily commutes might be short, but what if someone wants to actually leave town? I am considering looking at a used Volt once the new body style comes out and the price hopefully lowers on the first gens. My daily commute is around 50 miles total. That will make most of my commute gas free while giving me peace of

This is not a victimless crime. In fact, if you read structengr's posts you will see that he/she is in fact the victim of such crime. Just because you aren't moving doesn't mean that the world around you is moving. I have seen it myself with someone on their phone at a light starting to move without looking up the

Column shifter and a bench seat. Nothing to get in the way of certain activities.

eMPG is based on the total number of BTUs consumed and converted to the equivalent number of gallons of gas that contain the same number of BTUs. Since an electric motor is much more efficient than a gas motor (~90% vs ~ 35%) you will get a much higher eMPG (~100 eMPG vs ~35 eMPG). The numbers I give are approximates,

This can still happen with the distance traveled over fuel burned calculation if you are just a couple of blocks from the gas station. You don’t have very many miles on the numerator, but you are still burning fuel while stopped which is increasing the denominator. Since the numerator is small, small changes in the

While it wasn’t used in the “future”, the Toyota truck is the most modern, 2015 era, looking of all the vehicles in the films.

My wife drives a 2014 Honda with available voice controls, and I have a 2013 Chevy with available voice controls. The MyLink voice controls on my Chevy are generations ahead of what we have on the Honda. I feel like I can talk to my Chevy as in say "Tune to FM 95.7" from any screen, and it does it. The Honda seems to

Raising the temperature of 31ºF ice to 33ºF water takes approximately 50 times the amount of energy as raising the temperature of 25ºF ice to 31ºF ice. Replacing the ice will give you negligible gains.

In my experience from custom ordering a car, they can have certain restrictions built in such as ordering an orange interior accents with a red exterior. Go build a car on a manufacturer's website and see how the color options vary.

I think the rarity is the green with tan. I can't believe the configurator even allowed that combination.

I am not surprised with the Volt sales on the decline this year. They announced a newer and more efficient model to be released later this year. I for one hope that this continues to drive down the price on used ones.

Such as a Z/28?

The problem with

Do tell. We have a 2014 CR-V with about 30k on it right now and have had no complaints.

Growing up in western KY, I can say for fact that southern IL has 65 mph speed limits on interstates. I can aldi say for a fact that you can get a full ticket for doing 68 on said interstates.

Currently we are planning development only for PC (Windows) and PS4. Other platforms have not been decided yet.

How appropriate that my iPod, on shuffle all songs, started playing Danger Zone while reading this article.

...what you get is a water pump that has to be replaced with every oil change.

It's actually more like every other decade.

I ran into that issue with my 03 which is a completely different platform from the 90s.