
I'm Canadian and I've bought from before, but I haven't lately. I don't know if its still the case, but the last time I checked, doesn't do release-day shipping of new games. If they did, I wouldn't bother with Best Buy or GameStop (unless they had some cool pre-order bonuses).

@mrClint: Its been less than a year since its actually been on sale.

I see them dancin'

@Jouen: Why? First of all, its an optional thing, and second, its not very likely that it'll be integrated into the gameplay. Even if it was, it would still be optional.

The length of a game doesn't necessarily correlate to disc space. For example, it took me about 50 hours to complete the main story for Tales of Vesperia and that game only took up one DVD.

You know you want a ride on my garbage truck. Truck, truck, truck.

@WittyUserName: Most of those games have either a strong single-player focus (both of the Rockstar games), a focus on co-op multiplayer (L4D1 and 2, Borderlands), or are straight up single-player games (the Fallout games, the Mass Effect games, Deadspace 2).

@spoonTRex: It sounds like your grossly misinformed, because Blu Ray does *not* make in-game graphics look better. Also, I'm fairly certain that the 360 versions had a native resolution of 720p (excluding Tomb Raider Underworld).

@Nexus6: I ended up just blocking communications with anyone who isn't on my friends list. I got tired of hearing idiots attempting to trash talk, attempting to sing, screaming for no apparent reason.

@virtualhomer: I notice that about 99.9% of everyone I play with or against in Halo and COD games. Well, that and many of them use default gamerpics and/or have ridiculous gamertags (xXsniper420Xx and such).

@TheolaRegulus: The wording and tone of escheriv's post is still condescending, whether or not he was being logical. You say "people can imagine things", but his tone makes it sound like he's saying "you're imagining things because you're crazy and/or stupid, dumbass!".

@TheolaRegulus: Many sane people have had ghostly experiences. Saying that they're imagining things is *very* condescending, since you're basically calling them crazy or stupid.

@terryvongsouthi: That seems to happen a lot in games, specifically games with 3D character models. Its probably why you see a spark (or some other special effect) whenever you see characters hitting each other in a fighting game. Maybe a lot of devs can't have two characters touching without them clipping into each

@ninjadoom: Its generally not a good idea to watch a trailer to a sequel of a game you haven't finished playing.

@SupaKero: Its probably the same reason why the PS2 was a huge retail success.

@Kovitlac: I think it *is* his bald head, because I've seen a pic of him with hair and he looks like a geeky college kid. Here's the pic I saw.

@Kovitlac: Can you believe that he's only 22? Maybe its just his bald head, but I honestly think he looks more like 42.

@afierce: "The only major thing I don't like about it, is how are we supposed to believe a teenager made that himself?"

Big Apple, 5 pm.