PETA's response?
PETA's response?
@gordeaux: She seems a bit young. Then again, if there's grass on the field....
@SliPaladin: The trailer seemed pretty accurate in that respect, IMO.
I hope someone promotes this comment because it seems like a lot of you guys don't know that the deals for Splosion Man, Halo: CE, and GTA: San Andreas are for Friday only.
@Sparklejam!: "And, yes, studying them that closely, you can see photoshopping but you can't see all of it. And, on the whole, you really don't see it. You see total perfection."
I haven't bought a copy of Black Ops yet. What's stopping me is the fact that I didn't like the feel of the WaW demos (the multiplayer demo and the campaign demo). Specifically, I didn't like that the weapons felt noticeably weaker than the same or similar weapons in COD2. Also, the aiming felt a bit off.
Two DJs wearing reminds me of Daft Punk, only with Spartan helmets. And also, the music isn't nearly as good as Daft Punk's.
@Makidian: "Couldn't that just mean they are looking for someone with X360 experience that may not have PS3 experience!?"
Metroid is a girl?!
I can't imagine how anything OTHER than casual games will work with Kinect, at least not without some way to move your on-screen character without running or walking in place. Can you imagine playing a sandbox game or an RPG with Kinect, or even something like Ninja Gaiden or Bayonetta? I sure can't.
@Robotic-Richard-Simmons: Too long; didn't read.
@Eviltim: They're probably not counting unlocks. With unlocks, it'll probably be around 70 songs total like most of the other DDR games released since DDR Max on the PS2. Even so, its ridiculous that they don't have at least 100 songs per game (excluding DLC).
13 is a big fat phony! The glasses come right off!
How and why would a glitch in MW2 somehow affect a handful of SNK games on XBLA? Wouldn't it make more sense if it affected all XBLA games rather than just a few?
@lance.uppercut: I'm me?
@dimitrislavik: I'm sure there is, though its probably not as newsworthy since there's already been three DDR games for it already.
@Krackatoa was hit by a smooth criminal: "Well, the roster is pretty balanced as it is, outside of a few culprits who sit outside the realm of major tournament viability (Makoto, Gen, Dan, Guy)."
"You know what the Xbox 360 needs? More homages to classic Nintendo titles."
Is that PMS Tart on the right?
@—Core—: "I always carry this sense of.. gotta get things done fast as possible. Haha "