
@GrrSnort: The point is that USB keyboards work, so there's no reason why Facebook and Twitter "can't exist" on the 360. You don't have to use a controller to type everything out. #facebook

@GrrSnort: Because its not like USB keyboards work on the 360 or anything. #facebook

@TRT-X: I watched the "Facebook on 360" presentation that Felicia Day did at E3 and I noticed that there was a section for Walls and Inbox, but she skipped right past it and didn't even mention it at all; I'm hoping its something that's being worked on and that it will be added for when the 360 update goes public. #pl

@kyle4: I got the $49.99 deal from the Future Shop site. However, the Future Shop site doesn't say that my copy has been shipped, nor has my credit card been charged for buying MW2. I'm guessing I won't get my copy until later in the week. #modernwarfare2

@SolidMGSnake: Retail games are almost always released on a Tuesday, just like how new Hollywood movies are almost always released on Friday. New DVDs (and I think new CDs) are also released on Tuesdays. #weekingames

@deanbmmv: I'm a non-Mexican Latino and we make fun of Mexicans all the time; that's pretty much the only other example of a "civil war" within a group that I can think of. I've also seen "Japanophile" gamers being picked on for a few different reasons, I just don't remember a general group of people insulting their

@deanbmmv: Its true that you can't expect a large group of people to all get along just because they share a hobby, but I don't understand why gamers in specific use gamer stereotypes to insult fellow gamers. Like I told Baguette, I don't think I've ever seen any other group taking stereotypes about their group and

@Baguette: Maybe? I can't really think of any groups who use stereotypes against someone of the same group. Then again, I only ever hang out on gaming forums (as opposed to sports forums, movie forums, tech forums, etc.). #talkamongstyourselves

How come gamers pick on gamers? For example, if one gamer complains about something, another one will say something like "Maybe you should take your Ritalin and shut up!" or "Get out of your parents' basement, you fat virgin nerd!". Not that its happened to me before, but still; I'm curious about why it happens. #talka

I haven't played a lot of scary games, but the scariest one I've played so far is definitely the first Fatal Frame game (Xbox version). If they made a Fatal Frame game for the 360/PS3, I'm sure it would be a lot scarier. #tellusdammit

@Mox FcCloud: I was talking about the Bayonetta demo. I downloaded it from the Japanese XBL Marketplace with my Silver JPN account. All the voices and text in the demo are in English, too. #bayonetta

@Mox FcCloud: I dunno about that. The demo was pretty good. Definitely a lot better than the Ninja Blade demo or the Wet demo. #bayonetta

Does anyone here have an account on If so, do you actually log in regularly? If not, have you even heard of Just curious.

A few things I hate.

Prinny, come back! You can blame it all on me

I don't like how there's no real way to contact your Facebook friends while you're signed in on the 360; you can't write on their wall, you can't send them a message to their inbox, and you can't use Facebook Chat. The only way to message them in any way is to leave a comment on their status or photos. Also, there

@Kobun: They look fine to me. Then again, maybe you have a bigger HDTV than I do. Mine is a 32 inch Panasonic Viera from 3 years ago. #facebook

@Save me: Where did you look? Because on the same page that I first saw her Sakura costume (page 13), there's also pics of her Ulala and Morrigan costumes. I also saw at least one Ulala and Morrigan costume in the pages prior to that. #talkamongstyourselves