
I’m not a fan of public funds for stadiums, and as a Detroiter I was against it this time, too. That being said, the LCA is pretty unique. They’ve made it extremely comfortable and inviting to hang out around the outside of the playing arena. It’s like a state of the art stadium and old school barn at the same time.

When I was a millwright at Chrysler if I had a night on a forklift I’d hop into the Ram and try to put it into drive via the turn signal stalk.

JW is currently building a Derelict ‘49 Merc too.

Nobody thought the Raptor would sell. For a while Ford couldn’t make enough. Rednecks have surprisingly robust bank accounts.

25lbs of boost, 9.76 @ 135mph. 10.00 at 135mph is one of NHRA’s limits before needing a full cage. (I don’t know the exact rule, just that requirements change) I know stock cars have different rules, and this is a wild guess, but it makes as much sense as any other comments I’ve seen. There is a rumor one of the cars

Very Cool...the artist is Tom Fritz, awesome guy, amazing talent: