"P.S. How much do you think ebooks should retail for?"
"P.S. How much do you think ebooks should retail for?"
God help us if the ATMs start compelling our transactions. "You! With the jacket! Come here and withdraw money, or else!"
Yes. That is the argument used by a lot of conservative groups. Their stance has largely been that you shouldn't be having sex until you are ready to procreate, and that birth control pills are going to make the young women of America start to drop dead left and right. My point was to say that this is a ridiculous…
It was not my intent to say that they should not be warned. I was just trying to say that taking the pill (even pills with this type of higher risk estrogen) is less medically risky than actually being pregnant.
You are more likely to die because of a blood clot during pregnancy than you are if you take the pill.
You realize you're reading a blog right? And that blogs reporting on other blogs is basically par for the course. And... Because it's a blog, the authors are totally entitled to have whatever sort of slant or bias they desire, and they can publish anything regardless of whether or not it is even factually based. …
Actually, you are more likely to die from the infection if you get it as an adult. You get shingles because you never truly get rid of the virus after you get chicken pox. It becomes latent in your nervous system and is reactivated later in life when you become immune compromised (such as periods of illness or high…
Before the vaccine was available about 100 children died of primary chicken pox infection every year in the US. Getting infected is not always benign, and can result in serious injury or death to a child. While the vaccine isn't 100% effective, if you become infected after receiving the vaccine you will experience a…
Seriously? "Towing" the line? Do you have five "tows" at the end of each foot, lifehacker?
RingCentral? s/b RingShuffle?
I frequently hear people make a similar claim about vacuums, but don't think it demonstrates the superiority of one vacuum over another—had you used the Kompressor first, the Dyson would have picked up dirt it left behind.
No HEPA on this one? Not much of an upgrade.
There is no vaccination going on here. Basically what happens is couples where one partner is infected volunteer to participate in the study. The groups are split into control and placebo groups and they are given anti-retroviral drugs or sugar pills. The study shows that the groups getting anti-retroviral drugs…
I read an article a few months ago talking about the fact that NASA didn't know what to do with the retiring shuttles because they were extremely expensive to restore and keep as museum pieces. It was my understanding that essentially anyone who wanted one and could pony up the money to turn it into a public…
There are many instances, however, when these disclosures have real legal import.:
Sooo... He's also suggesting that women would have to wait until after there was a sex crimes conviction to be able to receive abortion related services??? Wouldn't the kid be something like two years old by the time that happens? Yet another vile attempt by these people to put their nose where it has no business…
Further evidence that the only thing the GOP stands for anymore is taking a shit on anything the Democrats endorse. They have gone past the "party of no" and become the "party of lets watch it all burn". Fuck them!
@crobson1985: It also weighs 9 pounds without the high capacity battery. You have to add the high capacity battery to get the 2.2 quad core i7 chip, bringing the total weight to 10 pounds. That's not something I would want to constantly lug around.
how is the light streaming in at different angles? look around 2:04. Also, this new layout sucks.
This looks like an excellent way to rip your sack.