Jose Uno

I like that comment. I Love Sonic Youth and the definition of Fugazi is quite interesting.

OFF! is the current band of Keith Morris from Black Flag and Circle Jerks.…
I personally love their first albums How could hell.. , Suffer, No control and Against the grain. Half of the others too. But i wouldnt care if they never record a good album again. Old Bad Religion is all I need. New albums are always welcome, of course.

Surprissingly the article says nothing and puts no video sample of their first album How can hell be any worse, which I tend to believe is nothing but kinda hardcore, also their first eps. I dont think those records are bubblegum or something. Nor No control or Against the grain. Those records are hardcore punk: they

I understand one can be tired of punk rock at anytime. It often happens to me. But hey, saying Bad religion sounds like Green day is oversimplifying like saying rock music is satanic or that the Stooges and Ramones sound the same. Fisrt of all Green day used to write songs of their main old style on major mode scales