Joseph Wilson

It's so awesome to have Kiefer Sutherland back on TV. I enjoyed the pilot very much.

I have to agree. The finale was totally ridiculous. We should have seen 2 people from Rick's camp get killed at the minimum, then had a cliffhanger about a 3rd.

This show is brutal to watch. It's uncomfortable to sit through and not many TV shows can say they do that to their audience.

Yeah, I don't really wanna go to New York either. That was the alcohol talking.

I would absolutely take a couple days off work to fly to Manhattan and do the GR protest thing outside HBO headquarters if they don't give us a season 3.

Agreed. Liv Tyler became one of the best female villains on television in one episode.

Lots of people are seemingly upset. But I am choosing to stick with it, even though it is a droopy and sometimes eye rolling soap opera. I am thankful the Olivia being kidnapped storyline is(hopefully)over. If she goes missing again, I may jump off the wagon and drink heavily.