The real jtd

Ray Ratto thinks every time a team wants a play reviewed, it should have to pay $1 million in cash on the spot to a local charity, or take the call it got and shut up about it.

Gotta love those free market, hands off government Republicans who will support the fact Trump just literally ordered companies to stop doing business with China. 

A strong counterpoint to which I have no rebuttal.

God the quotes thing gets me every time. Despite being on twitter for 32 hours a day the fucking asshole still hasn’t learned that using quotes in that fashion implies the exact opposite of what you are saying.

Fun(?) fact!

My three year old was asking me about sports team mascots recently and mentioned elephants and I said, “No, there’s not elephant teams.” And like 4 questions later I remembered the A’s and was like, “WAIT. LET’S GO BACK TO THE ELEPHANT THING.”

The A’s home whites are one of the nicest uniforms in baseball.

Gotta say, “proud to be a part if this film in ANY WAY!!!” is a hell of a take to have about American Beauty in 2019.

When you want to use “2 Many Chainz” and can’t quite find a place in your piece to make it work. 

How hard is it to just start monitoring 4chan users? This isn’t rocket science. Go to /pol.

I’m okay if it’s not “scary” because these days that means “JUMPSCARE!” so hoepfully it’s atmospheric and moody as shit.

If you get 100% and aren’t creeped out, the NSA recruiter would like to have a word with you about exciting ways to play the “sequel”.

I play co-ed rec league softball, but it’s typically kids in their 20s, 30s, and 40s. For the first time last night we faced a batter in his 60s, and we could not for the life of us get that old fucker out. He probably looked out at the field and thought Imma splash these whippersnapper motherfuckers, because he put

I don’t believe that boy is Canadian. He didn’t say “eh” at the end of his sentence or apologize for his rude comment.

if this isn’t a secret Space Cowboys sequel I’m gonna so annoyed...

Whett Thudd is actually an undrafted linebacker out of Appalachian State who stands a good shot at making the Raiders’ 53-man roster.

“They forget you've gotta win," said the Cleveland Browns quarterback.

The obvious choice is for Billie Eilish to collaborate with Lil Nas X and put “Old Town Bad Guy Road: The Despacito Hillbilly Emo Mumblerap Mix” on the top of the charts for the next five months.

Korg maybe?