The real jtd

Eh, I don’t want to have a fight about word choices here, but he hadn’t committed to anybody. The contract is the commitment. An informal agreement to later sign a contract is not a commitment.

Some of you are here to make a beautiful pâté but we’re making sausage most of the time.

Can’t afford to make the sales drop even more by saying there is an update coming. Either it won’t happen or it will drop with absolutely no warning at a keynote and piss off everyone who bought a model S in the previous 6 months.

also, Nigh Swatch is a watch that is almost, yet not quite, a Swatch.

Night Watch” (without the ‘s) is also a fictional organization from Babylon 5 that spied on the population for subversive thought, words, and action.

The child was brutalized ON CAMERA and the parents had to get social workers to advocate for charges?? And they claimed that there's equity in law enforcement. Bullshit. Let this have been a Black or Latino man pinning a white child down like this. He would've been executed swiftly by the police upon their arrival.

A grown man attacks a 13 year old boy and cops are like “Well I don’t see a crime here.”

Better than Fox:  One season, play the episodes out of order, then cancel it.

Zoom you made me sad...very sad

I look forward to this being the next series Netflix makes 2 seasons of then realizes it’s too expensive then cancels and pisses everyone off.

100% this. It will be the justification for these “not concentration camps” to start veering toward “not death camps.”

I think they want unrest, so they can paint the refugees as violent animals. 

More proof we’re slowly turning into the Galactic Empire.

All good points, but Rapinoe also celebrated a goal too much, so who’s really the bad one here?

If it was a legitimate shooting, the body has ways of shutting that whole thing down

Every Chicago high school grabs someone off the soccer team for kicker, why shouldn’t the Bears?

Oh, but I AM turned on.


I’ve been a programmer for years, a lead programmer for 1.5 years, and now a game designer for 1.5 years. It never ceases to amaze me how poorly QA are treated. :(