
Buy the game if you want it. In fact I know people that have joined Game Pass just to buy a couple of games. And do so and then often stick around for the rest. With 10% to 20% you get off any game in the service you can save $6 to $12 off any $60 game in the catalog. This often includes the option to buy a version

“a feature that can tell where you are in a game and automatically load up the correct spot in a YouTube walkthrough if you want help.”

How do you know Sony wants to sell hardware. Kodera, now CEO of SIE, is the cloud and services guy for Sony for 10+ years. Like any company if they could cut the costs of the most expensive part of consoles, the hardware, and replace it with a successful GAAS (PSNOW) service with less expensive hardware or no hardware

Why leave off Sony of that streaming list? Sony has already started with a streaming service that actually exists today, PSNow, and promoting Kodera to SIE CEO only cements that is a direction they are headed for too. But, being realistic neither Microsoft or Sony will go completely streaming anytime soon. Both will

And that is the advantage that both Microsoft and Sony have. They have an established console that isn’t going anywhere for a while (no matter what fanboys post about each others systems.) An established catalog. This enables any streaming option they provide to be exactly that, an option to do in addition to or in

By the time this Google game streaming service is out of the Googles mandatory 7 year, USA only beta and officially releases it will most likely be sometime around 2025. :) So maybe by then, the rest of the world will have a better connection. More likely scenario, Google will start another similar gaming service 3/4

Sorry, but Google has basically stopped their Google Fiber expansion. They have slowed or reduced current projects, paused any future planned projects, transferred ownership of some communities to other entities and have fired 100's of Google Fiber workers. So, unless you already live in very limited Google Fiber

So you cringed about controllers that had a round appearance that you could associate with breasts or anything else round for a trackball. However, you did not cringe when they were replaced by even more sexually overt design with the phallic shaped joystick?

I think the idea about generations is going away. I believe both Microsoft and Sony see that technology is increasing so fast on both ends that they are being squeezed. I think we will see a PS4.5 and then a PS4.75 etc.. and the same goes with the Xbox 1.5 and so on. The previous generation of consoles when built

Everybody scoffed when Microsoft hinted this was going to happen with the Xbox (although Spencer walked it back a little, but not denying it). Calling Xbox desperate or they had no idea what they were doing or fracturing their customer base. Sony, is rumored to doing something similar and it is a must buy. Come on. I