
Horseshit; this album is awful if you're a Jack White/TWS fan. It may be well produced, okay, but it's the whole polishing-a-turd metaphor. What is it about some rockers who feel they have to go all folksy and whatnot? I tried listening to it twice w/ a month or so in between listens, and I just get bored with it and

Boo! Projector broke! I mean video removed! </popcorntoss>

As a former citizen of Waco, I feel compelled to remind you that a.) the Branch Davidian thing wasn't in Waco, but rather Mt. Carmel, and b.) this house isn't even in Waco (about an hour or so NW of Waco).

Yes, actually: the house was built on a cliff on Lake Whitney, and apparently there was some badass erosion going on, so literally part of the house is crumbling into the lake off the cliff. Why they're burning it, I'm not sure, but I suppose it's to prevent debris from falling into the lake and injuring people

You should try and learn something about the subject matter before you post; Austin is by far the most liberal city in the South.

I remember liking it in the 90s, middle school, expensive flannel shirts b/c they got trendy.

In fairness, Axl Rose was always a prick, then started worshiping a guru, so it's a whole chicken/egg thing.

I was just trying to think of my one, true hatesong; that might be it, or at least in the top five. A local radio station that plays some decent tracks on occasion insists on playing this (seemingly) 23-minute cacophony of shitty, processed distortion underlying the sound of a cat simultaneously being raped and having