My favorite part of that episode was the "maybe we lowered the bar a long time ago, and now we're all just sitting here in the stink of it" part.
My favorite part of that episode was the "maybe we lowered the bar a long time ago, and now we're all just sitting here in the stink of it" part.
More like a rich man's Malibu.
We live pretty much at sea level. Nobody around here has a basement, as you can dig a foot down and hit water. I'm sure it could be done, but it would probably cost an arm and a leg to get the hole dug, bricked, and have adequate and redundant pumps to constantly get rid of the water.
Thanks. It was a little over 15 years ago, and I was 16 at the time... so literally a lifetime ago for me. It's one of those things that still defines who I am, regardless of how hard I've tried to let it be "just one of those things." It really did change everything. I went from being a mostly-carefree teen worried…
My neighbors and I have the scars and dead relatives that prove you wrong. I've seen it with my own eyes, as it happened. Didn't matter if it was block, brick, 2x4, or whatever... it still didn't stand up to a direct hit. Honestly, I'm here today because my house came apart and I went for a short flight. My mother…
Having lived through an F4 eating my house, I can say with some certainty that it doesn't much matter what you build the house out of... given enough force it will come apart.
Yeah, but I still found it an odd thing to say to the press, especially by the product planner.
There was a time that I owned a '76 Ford LTD (not nearly as nice as the one pictured), which prior to my period of ownership had received a 460 PI. This was likely the only TLC the vehicle had received over the years. By 2001, the paint was shot, what remained of the vinyl top was hanging on for dear life, interior…
Sorry, this car/truck is awesome. Like has been said, it isn't a rare Rolls, and it's well done for a custom pickup conversion.
Too bad the adult fans of the show are the most socially retarded people ever. Article about GTA5, first thought is MLP.
Or the PS3... or are they still claiming that's what this is running on? Because I don't buy it for a second. I love my PS3, but that being said I'll still admit the games on it have looked like ass compared to the same title on a PC for several years now, maybe even since they launched.
Do we ever? And that's one hell of an ellipsis. Ellipses? Ellipsii? Multitude of ellipsis points? Ellipsis marks? Dots?
Are you really turning this into a conversation about proper douche usage?