Obviously not familiar with Douglas Adams' works.
Obviously not familiar with Douglas Adams' works.
Yes, gun bans prevent gun crimes. See the crime stats for cities like NYC, Chicago and D.C., all of which have the strictest gun laws in the nations, coupled with the highest gun crime rates. We know you're upset, but a handful of unstable idiots shouldn't set the precedent for the other 350 million of us.
Dr. Who
Entire list is fail. RAM isn't a one-size-fits-all component, neither is the CPU cooler... buying either of these as a gift is a bad idea, unless it's a gift to yourself, and you know what you need. And if I'm using a $100 mouse, I'd rather it be one I picked out based on my needs. OH BOY a router! Just what I always…
This phrase is burned into my memory and surfaces anytime a Sneakers reference is made.
Not sure what paradise you live in, but I've never lived more than a stone's throw from something that wouldn't look out of place in central Africa/South America/Southeast Asia in my entire life. Most Americans can say the same, even if they won't admit it. Venture to the "wrong side of the tracks" and have a look…
You're also the first generation of that family to have grown up putting chemicals on and in you on a daily basis. By the time we (the 30-ish crowd) hit our 60's and 70's, I doubt we'll know anyone that hasn't had cancer of some sort at some point.
Yeah, that's front porch-cheap beer blues... something I do quite well being poor, southern and having lived a short life littered with tragedy.
I can lick my back.
Yeah, if this guy's fucking up two-letter words, he shouldn't internet.
McFarlane's stuff is a guilty pleasure of mine, but I have to say that Ted was well done, for being a raunchy comedy and all.
Bob Dole feels your pain.
I, for one, am always wary of promiscuous primates.
Abbreviations and proper nouns are NOT acceptable Scrabble words for regulation play.
You could have just stopped at "Do not marry" and voila, problem solved.
It's been done on a stage.
It's a fargate!
Gonna eat sooooo many goddamn crumpets. Gonna be a crumpocalypse.