Okay, so it's three sentences and a book plug constituting an article based on an interview with someone that actually did some journalism.
Okay, so it's three sentences and a book plug constituting an article based on an interview with someone that actually did some journalism.
Wow. Three sentences and a book plug. Great article.
Yeah, was going to say this... my 4 year-old hasn't owned a pair of shoes that didn't light up since before he could walk.
B-b-but how else are people supposed to know I have a fancy digital SLR instead of one of those lame film ones? How will they know I have thousands of dollars in disposable income? HOW?
I'd sooooo have a wide-format printer around just for the hell of it, could I afford to do so.
Sure as hell not Penn Jillette.
No Mr. Bond... I expect you to DRIVE.
Whoa. Even though it was titled spaceship ABC's, that was totally lost on me. Comprehension fail.
Eh, I'll agree that TEDx is subpar, and honestly should be called something else entirely. The independent organizers, whoever they may be, fail miserably at getting the caliber of speaker you see at an actual TED organized event.
There was a time in this country, a long time ago, when reading wasn't just for f*gs and neither was writing. People wrote books and movies, movies that had stories so you cared whose ass it was and why it was farting, and I believe that time can come again!
Whoa. I want to do that. Not even the performance part of it, I'd be happy with doing that in my backyard where no one could see.
Watched this over the weekend, and I have to say Pixar definitely isn't a company content to rest on it's laurels. Every new release the do pushes the limits of what we have done/can do with CGI.
Eh, people can like what they like... me understanding why isn't required. There are things that I find funny that even I don't know why that is, and like all of us I have my guilty pleasures when it comes to humor. It's just the Onion in particular is one of those sites that people are staunch defenders of and I…
Indeed. One opining that something is not one's particular cup of tea is easily directly equated to one's superiority when compared to the unwashed masses that find the Onion to be imbued with, oh how to you say... "teh funny"?
Pic unrelated. Get a new meme, dude... there was no badass posturing done in the initial post or the subsequent replies. Merely stating that the people who find the most humor in this are likely the folks that made it.
For a few thousand less, I could talk my wife's grandfather out of his cherry '69 Impala 2-door... showroom condition.
I love parody and satire... and even though a broken clock is still right twice a day, the Onion fails me every time when it comes to humor, or even simple entertainment. It just seems like the base idea behind the things they put out there is "look how funny we are!", and stop there instead of actually producing…
"inspired by a similar feature in Windows 8"
Haven't quite decided what to use it for yet, but tore down my old laptop (on which the cooling system was shot) and mounted the mobo and other components to the rear of the display. Still working out the mounting to an articulated arm salvaged from an old desk lamp. Pic is during the process, I've secured everything…
"...are too forward thinking and that we do not have the money, material science, or technology to implement all of their "solutions"..."